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Publishing agreement: Taylor & Francis

Corresponding authors at Örebro University are eligible to publish open access at no cost in journals from Taylor & Francis.


In order for Taylor & Francis to identify you as an ORU-author, we recommend that you use your email address.

When your paper is accepted, choose a Creative Commons license under which the article will be published. A fact sheet on the various license types is available.

When you have completed the License part on the author platform, the library is automatically notified to verify your affiliation with Örebro University.

Article types and journals covered

The article types covered by the agreement are Original Papers and Review Papers.

Examples of article types not included are "Editorials", "Announcements" and "Book Reviews".

Article processing charges are covered in both hybrid journals (Open Select) and full open access journals. However, journals under the imprint Dove Medical Press are excluded.

Charges not covered

Other charges, for example color charges and page charges, are not covered by the agreement.

Agreement period


Further information

If you have any questions about the agreement or publishing process, please contact the University Library at