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Publishing agreement: Springer Nature

The agreement allows for corresponding authors at Örebro University to publish open access articles free of charge.


Ensure that you are using your institutional email address ( in order for the publisher to correctly identify you as an eligible author.

Once the article has been accepted, Springer will send you a link to their author platform. There you will be asked to state your affiliation with Örebro University.

A document with author instructions is available (please refer to the paragraph "Author services", on pages 7 to 18).

The University Library will then be notified automatically to verify your eligibility to publish under the agreement.

Article types and journals covered

The following article types are included: Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications and Continuing Education.

To see which journals are included, please refer to the publisher's information page. Örebro University participates in the parts of the agreement that cover publishing in open access journals and hybrid journals, but not in the part that covers publishing in so-called "Nature branded" journals. The journals that are not included in our agreement are listed in a separate file on the information page referred to above.

Charges not covered

Please note that additional costs (e.g. color figures, paid offprints and posters) are not covered by the agreement.

Further information

If you have any questions about the agreement or publishing process, please contact the University Library at