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Publishing agreement: Oxford University Press

Corresponding authors at Örebro University are eligible to publish open access at no cost in most of the publisher's journals.

Instructions for Authors

Ensure that you are using your institutional email address ( in order for the publisher to correctly identify you as an eligible author.

When your article has been accepted, further processing takes place on the SciPris platform. Please refer to the instructions on the publisher's website (a PDF guide is available at the bottom of the page)

As a final step, the University Library will review the corresponding author's affiliation to Örebro University, and approve the article to be published with open access under the University's agreement.

Journals covered by the agreement

A list of all journals covered by the Swedish agreement is available on the publisher's website.

Article types

The agreement covers peer-reviewed research articles of the types: "research article", "review article", "brief report" and "case report".

Charges not included

Please note that ancillary publication charges, i.e. page, colour and offprint charges cannot be referred to the agreement – the author will need to arrange payment for these charges via another method, i.e. credit/debit card or invoice.

Further information

If you have any questions about the agreement or publishing process, please contact the University Library at