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Publishing agreement: IEEE

Article processing charges for up to five open access articles are covered through the agreement.

Author instructions

You must be the corresponding author in order to be eligible.

Ensure that you are using your institutional email address ( in order for the publisher to correctly identify you as an eligible author.

At step 4, "Authors & Institutions", select Edit under Actions, and check that your chosen organization in the Institution field is Örebro University.

When the article has been accepted for publication you will have to select the open access option.

The University Library will then be notified automatically to verify your eligibility to publish under the agreement.

Article limit and included journals

Charges for five open access articles in the publishers hybrid journals have been prepaid. A list of the publications included in the agreement is available.

Charges not covered

The agreement only covers the cost for open access, commonly referred to as the article processing charge. Other charges, such as overlength page charges or color charges, are not covered by the Library.

Agreement period

The agreement ran from 2022-2023 but was not subsequently extended. However,  there are still a number of articles remaining from the allocation that can be used in 2024 and 2025. As per February 17 2025, there are three articles remaining. Please contact for any questions.

Further information

If you have any questions about the agreement or publishing process, please contact the University Library at