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How to obtain an ORCID

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organisation that offers researchers the opportunity to obtain a unique ID number. This number is used when publishing, applying for funding, and for other research activities.

The purpose of ORCID is to simplify access to a researcher’s total body of work. The ID number solves the problem of authors having the same name or initials, name changes, or names being misspelled in publications.

At Örebro University, ORCID is required in the administrative support processes aimed at researchers. For example, you need an ORCID to apply for and manage research funding in PRISMA. Therefore, it is of great importance and value for you to get an ORCID and register it here at the university. Once your ORCID is registered, it will also be displayed on your profile page.

ORCID generates a unique ID whenever you request one, but you should only create and maintain a single ORCID ID. To ensure your ID effectively identifies your complete research output, it is important to consistently use the same ID number.