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Find journals in a specific subject area in Web of Science

There are several different ways to find journals to publish in. Here you are introduced to different ways to identify suitable journals within your subject area.

Identify journals with impact factor within your subject area

Via the University database list, you have access to Journal Citation Reports, which provides information about suitable journals for publication, and among other things check the journal’s impact factor.

On the first page of Journal Citation Reports, select Browse journals and choose Filter on the left side. Select from Categories and scroll down the page and click on Apply.

Screenshot from Web of Science.

This returns a list of journals sorted by impact factor. Journals from the Emerging index are also listed here, ie journals under review. To see if any of the journals in your subject area are Open Access, go to the filter on the left side and klick on Open Access and select DOAJ Gold Open Access and then Apply.

Find a suitable journal using subject search

Another way to identify suitable journals indexed in Web of Science is to do a search on your topic.

Screenshot from Web of Science.

In the search results, scroll down and click on Source titles to the left. To view more source titles, click on more options/values.

Find the right journal based on your manuscript

Journal Citation Reports contains a link to Match my manuscript. On the next page you can log in or create an account. Next step is to enter the title and abstract and a list of suitable journals is generated. Remember that even if Match Manuscript is based on title and abstract it is still useful to read the aim and scope of the journal too see how well the manuscript fits.

Do you have any questions? Please contact:

Liz Holmgren

Liz Holmgren Position: Librarian School/office: University Library

Profile page: Liz Holmgren

Email: bGl6LmhvbG1ncmVuO29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: +46 19 303464

Room: X1106

Liz Holmgren