This page in Swedish

Updating your profile page

Your profile page on the university website is intended to provide an introduction to you as a researcher. It is also to be optimised for search engines and tailored to target audiences such as research funding bodies, the media, and the general public.

1. To create an editable profile page, log into Inforum. Above the header, there is a grey border with your name on it to the right. If you click your name you can then select My page.

Screenshot displaying login to My page.

2. Click the link Edit profile page.

3. Once you have done that, the connection to the research database and DiVA is activated. Any data linked to you will then be retrieved and presented on your profile page.

Now you can continue to edit your page. See instructions below.

For researchers

The purpose of the profile page is to provide anyone, whether from within or outside the university, with an introduction to your role and work. The profile page should be written in a popular science style and be intelligible to those who have no in-depth knowledge of your research field or area of expertise. They may be representatives of research funding bodies, the media, students, or the general public. Give some thought as to what you should include here and what you can instead describe in more detail on the webpage of your research project, team or environment. The information should be available both in Swedish and in English.

Content and headings

  • About NN
    The opening text, approximately 250 characters, is intended to provide a quick and general introduction to you and your role. Include your title, background and any prominent positions or roles, for example, within research. Then follow on with the headings provided below. The division into sections with subheadings helps to make the information accessible and easy to survey.
  • Research
    Remember to use concepts and terms that you think the target audience would use. To increase searchability, a selection of specific scientific terms may be included, as examples in a text where, in the main, a popular science writing style is otherwise used.
  • Teaching
  • Collaboration and assignments

Things to remember

  • Many find their way to our website via a search engine. It is therefore important that you include key search terms early on in the text. Try to use several synonyms to increase your chances of readers finding your page.
  • Write in the third person. Not only is it good from a search engine perspective, but it may also aid your writing as it makes it easier to be objective and you are less prone to hold back.
  • The content of the page must be linked to your role and work at Örebro University and may not be used for marketing purposes of any commercial, political, or religious interests or activities.
  • If you are active on social media and your posts there are work-related, do add a link to these. There are fields available on your profile page for this purpose.
  • Research projects, research teams and publications are retrieved automatically and are displayed on the tabs further down on your profile page.
  • You can also upload a document with your CV to the profile page. Instructions for this can be found further down on this page.

Instructions for editing your profile page

The profile page retrieves information from the university’s directory service, the research database and DiVA. Some data you can edit yourself, whereas other data must be altered at the source.

Screenshot displaying the content of the profile page.

Name: Altered in the university’s directory service. Contact if a change is required.

Title: Altered in the university’s directory service. Contact if a change is required.

Organisation: Altered in the university’s directory service. Contact if a change is required.

Email: Altered in the university’s directory service. Contact if a change is required.

Phone: Altered in the university’s directory service. Contact if a change is required.

Room number: Altered in the university’s directory service. Contact if a change is required.

Photo: If you wish to change your photo, contact, or email a new photo to, The photo will also show in Outlook.

ORCID is an international researcher identifier that provides each researcher with a unique ID number to be used for publications, applications and other research activities. An ORCID identifier can be created free of charge at: The My page menu gives you the option to register your ORCID, thereby recording it in the university’s directory services, see instructions further down on this page.

The information under the tabs Research Projects and Research Teams is retrieved from the research database, provided that your information has been entered there. The same applies to the box with information on Research Environments and Research Subject. If any of this data is incorrect or needs updating, contact your research administrator as it can only be altered in the research database.

Publications are retrieved from DiVA, but you decide yourself which publications you want displayed, see instructions further down on this page.

Add or make changes to existing texts in the editors available on the page. It is possible to have different texts displayed on and Inforum. If you only enter information in the editor for, that information will also be displayed on Inforum. Text can be entered directly into the editor or be cut and pasted from a document/existing webpage. Once the text is in place, you can start editing it.

Screenshot displaying editors for the profile page.

The text on your profile page can be formatted to aid readability. Bullet points and numbered lists helps to provide an overview of the text. Bold text helps to bring out key concepts or shorter paragraphs that you may want to emphasise. You can also add a horizontal border if you need to divide your page into several sections.


To insert headings, select the text you want to use as heading. Select heading level in the drop-down menu Formats. These heading levels should be used strictly hierarchically. Consequently, Heading 1 is the one most often used.

Links to webpages

To create a link to a webpage, select the text you want displayed as the link and click on the link tool. A dialogue box is displayed.

Screen dump of the link button.

In the field URL, paste the address of the page you want to link to.

In the Title field you can enter a text that in more detail describes where the link will take the reader. This text is then displayed as a label when the mouse pointer hovers over the link. It is also read out loud to users with any form of screen readers to help them access the information on the page. This text is not necessary if the text entered in the field Text to display is detailed enough.

In the Target field, select if the linked page should open in a new window or in the same window. If the link is to a page on the university website, select None. If the link takes the reader to another website, select New window. Then click OK.

Links to documents

It is also possible to create links to documents from your profile page, for example to your CV. There are no restrictions as to which formats you may link to. Remember, however, which software the readers are likely to use and the requirements your choice of format may place on the readers when they come to open the document. Also remember that it must be possible for search engines not only to find the documents, the documents must also be intelligible to the search engines.

Select the text you want displayed as the link and click the link tool. In the dialogue box, click the file archive icon.

Screen dump of the insert link button.

A new dialogue box is displayed. Click Browse to find your computer, then select the document in question. Back in the dialogue box, click Upload. Once the document has been uploaded, click Select.

In the final dialogue box, the URL of the link is displayed. Documents should always be opened in a new window, therefore select New window in the Target field.

In the Title field, you can enter text that in more detail describes which document the link leads to. This text is then displayed as a label when the mouse pointer hovers over the link. It is also read out loud to users with any form of screen readers to help them access the information on the page. This text is not necessary if the text entered in the field Text to display is detailed enough. Then click OK.

All profile pages are available in both Swedish and English. By using the Sök personal feature on the university’s Swedish website, you will access the profile page in Swedish and by using the Find staff feature on the university’s English website, you will access the profile page in English.

Once you have activated your profile page, all data from the research database in the respective language will be retrieved and displayed on the corresponding language version of the profile page. All publications, however, will as default be displayed on both language versions of the page. You can then choose if you for example only want publications in English displayed on your English profile page, see instructions further down on this page. The information you provide about yourself must be entered separately for each language.

Toggle between the Swedish and English profile page by clicking the link in the heading field.

Screen dump of the profile page with the link This page in English.

Before you insert an image on your page, make sure that you adjust its format to make it is suitable for the web. It should have a resolution of 72 dpi and a maximum width of 720 px. If you are not used to working with images, you are welcome to contact for assistance. Also contact web support if you want to add a photo of yourself.

To insert an image on your page, place the cursor where you want the image, then click the image icon. A dialogue box is displayed. In the dialogue box, click the file archive icon.

Screenshot displaying the image icon.

In the next dialogue box, click Browse to find your computer, then select the image in question. Back in the dialogue box, click Upload. Once the image has been uploaded, click Select.

In the final dialogue box, the URL of the image is displayed. For the purpose of helping those who are unable to see the image you must provide a description before you can click OK to insert. In the field Image description, enter a text that provides a brief description of the image. You do not have to start with “A picture of…” but can go straight to the descriptive elements.

This text will for instance be read out loud to users with some form of screen readers to help them access the information on the page. Images that are used mainly as embellishment with no significant part to play can be described only briefly. Images containing information that is important if the reader is to understand the content of the page, for example diagrams, may need to be described in more detail.

Then click OK.

If the image does not cover the whole width of the page, you can choose to place text to the right or to the left of the image. To align the image, select it by clicking the image. In the drop-down menu Formats, select if the image should be aligned to the right or to the left.


Screenshot displaying image format.

You can also add your social media links to your profile page. The links will be displayed as icons, followed by the links immediately under the box containing your contact details. To add a link, simply log onto your profile on the social media channel in question. Copy and paste the link into the text box. For Facebook, for example, the link displayed will be where xxxxx.xxxxxxxx is replaced by your Facebook name. Remove links by clicking the remove icon (X).

Any social media links that you add will be the same on your Swedish and English profile page.

Screenshot displaying the social media box.

When you have edited your information, click the save button Save above information at the bottom of the page. A message to remind you also to edit the information in Swedish or English is then displayed, depending on which language version you have just edited. A link is also displayed that will take you to your profile page.

Under the Publications tab, any publications linked to you in DiVA are displayed. If you are missing a publication in the list, it has not been properly recorded in DiVA. Email for assistance.

To edit your list of publications, open the tab Publications and click Select publications from Diva.

A check box will then be displayed for each publication listed – simply uncheck the boxes for any publications you do not want displayed on your page. If you have unchecked a publication and want to include it in the list of publications later, simply go back and check the box again. If you record a new publication in DiVA, it will automatically be included in the list of publications.

Once you have selected your publications, click Save at the bottom of the page.

ORCID is an international researcher identifier, giving each researcher a unique ID number to be used for publications, applications and other research activities. An ORCID identifier can be created free of charge at: The My page menu gives you the option to register your ORCID, thereby recording it in the university’s directory services. You can only have one ORCID registered at Örebro University and once it has been registered, it will appear on your profile page in the form of a link.

Enter your ORCID and click Save.