The Prisma application system

Prisma is a common grant management system being used by Forte, Formas and Vetenskapsrådet.
Prisma is a common application and grant management system being used by Forte, Formas and the Swedish Research Council (VR).
In Prisma, you can apply for grants and manage granted funds. If you are an application reviewer, you can find all information about your review panel in Prisma. As applicants and reviewers, you create a personal account in which your information is stored. The goal of Prisma is to simplify processes for applicants, reviewers and administrating organisations (i.e. ORU) to perform the tasks related to applications to the three research councils.
Since Prisma will be used for the research councils’ main application rounds in the spring of 2015, it is just as well that you start now by entering your information.
Working with Prisma
Before you can start to apply for funds, you must Create a personal account in Prisma. This only needs to be done once. Your account is then connected to all the applications that you write in Prisma.
Researchers who are collaborators in someone else’s application must also create an account in Prisma.
Start by getting an ORCID
To set up an account in Prisma, you need a so-called ORCID. Getting this ID takes just a few minutes through ORCID’s website. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international directory of researchers and provides something akin to an identity number for individual researchers.
Make a note of your ORCID number for the next step in the process.
Create a Prisma account
To get started with Prisma, open the site By default, the site will open in Swedish so click on the In English selection on the grey bar.
Then click on Create personal account and then in the next dialog, Create personal account with SWAMID (an explanation of SWAMID can be found in the screen dump below).
When you have created an account and want to log in to Prisma, click on Login with SWAMID. Do not click on Create organisation account. An organisation account for ORU has already been created.
Getting started with Prisma
There will be various different tabs in Prisma depending on your role in the system.
In the tab My Profile enter your personal information, CV and publication list – follow the instructions given. Much of this information is required for each application that you write and can be used to automatically populate the application that you are working on.
To apply for a grant, click on the tab Applications and Grants. The Calls for proposals page will show what grants are currently open. If there are many calls, use the Filter function to narrow down the list. Click on Apply next to the proposal to which you want to apply.
Fill in a title for the application and click on Create application. Then fill in all the information required. Open your application by clicking on the Applications tab on the left-hand side of the screen.
In the section Administrating organisation you connect your application to the appropriate organisation (i.e. Örebro University) which will administer the funds. Any collaborating researchers in your application must also have a Prisma account. Send an invitation to such researchers by clicking on Invite participating researcher in the Participants section.
When you have completed the whole application, click on Register. You will receive a warning if any obligatory information is missing. You can deregister your application before the deadline so that you can make any necessary changes.
After the deadline, the stated administrating organisation will approve the application before it is sent to the funding agency.
When the application is received by the funding agency, the review and assessment process begins. The decision regarding your application is published in your Prisma account. You will also receive an email message that the decision can be found under your Prisma account. If your application is approved, all subsequent handling of the grant is carried out in Prisma.
More detailed information about creating an account and registering your application can be found under Help/ User manual.
To get personal support, first ask your colleagues and failing that, contac the Prisma support.