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IT matters to consider when applying for funding

When applying for research funding, you must consider any IT related support needed in your project.

Create a unique project name

To facilitate the administration of a new project, it is important that you decide on a straightforward, unique project name or number to which any queries can be linked.

Analyse your needs

If you intend to apply for funding for a project, you need to analyse, as early in the process as possible, which IT services you will need during the project. For assistance in identifying your needs, contact

Some IT services are included in the basic service package offered at Örebro University and are thus funded by the university, while others will involve costs for the project. Remember also that access to IT services not included in the basic service package takes longer to set up.

The basic service package includes:

  • HPC – computational capacity
  • Storage services
  • Data collection and web form services
  • Collaborative services
  • Development services

Notify us if funding is not granted

If your funding application for the project is not granted and you have received support from IT Services during the application phase, you need to notify IT Services that the project is no longer active.

The roll-back of systems may entail the need for data to be disposed of and archived.