Session 3

Time: 10.30-12.00

FoodKom Panel: Communicating meat: promotional and media discourses response to the "meat problem"

Room F139
Chair: Göran Eriksson

  • Jonatan Leer: Gourmetfying McDonald’s: Communicative Strategies and Goals in McDonald’s Denmark Collaboration with Michelin Chefs
  • Ana Tominc: “Holyrood to consider bonkers plan to BAN MEAT”: How the British Press reports the discussions around the adoption of Plant-based Treaty in Scotland
  • Helen Andersson: ‘Good’ Swedish Meat – a MCDA analysis of Swedish Meat's campaign #SäkraMaten

'Fika' and tea

Room F105
Chair: Henrik Scander

  • Ulrica Söderlind: The dinner of the Speaker of the Swedish Parliament and fika
  • Henrik Scander (Mia Larson, Christina Öberg, Agneta Yngve and Stina Almroth): Fika a new turn in Food studies – an unexplored Swedish meal practice
  • Hartwig Bohne and Lysbeth Vink: Tea as a USP? -How Tea culture is branding a region

Food, gastronomy and food culture 1

Room F147
Chair: Anson Hunt

  • Aïda Kanafani-Zahar: The creation Process in Gastronomy Today: An Anthropological Assessment
  • Daniel Östergren (Ute Walter, Inger M. Jonsson och Bernt Gustavsson): Gastronomic sustainability: communication, cultivation, and commitment
  • Diana Willis: High Seas, Elite Taste: Fine Dining and the Framing of Distinction by Global Cruise Lines