Gender Studies
Subject information
Research domains
- Humanities-Social sciences
Areas of research
- Civil society
- Feminist violence studies
- Intersectionality
- Equality policy
- Female organisations and Organisation of Women
- Gender Based Violence
- Love studies
- Policy
- Social movements
- Trans
- Violence
Research environments
Research in Gender Studies ask questions about power, distribution of resources and (in)equality from a gender perspective. Feminist theory is developed and used to investigate how gender structures, intertwined with structures based on class, sexuality, age and ethnicity, shape society and produce hierarchies and inequalities. Further, researchers in Gender Studies are interested in how gender structures are reproduced, modified or transformed.
Gender Studies is a relatively young discipline, but research based in feminist theory and/or with a gender perspective has a long history. As a discipline Gender Studies is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach. At Örebro University, Gender Studies is oriented toward the Social Sciences. Research on women’s conditions is still important in Gender Studies, but today, fields such as critical studies of men and masculinities, queer- and sexuality-studies are vivid parts of the discipline. Research in Gender Studies at Örebro University is conducted at the Centre for Feminist Social Science Studies (CFS) and Centre for Violence Studies (CVS). The research includes topics such as feminist theory, critical studies on men and masculinities, love, work, gender equality policy and sustainability.
Research projects
Active projects
- ACCTING: Advancing behavioural change through an inclusive green deal (2021-2025)
- Children in focus- for a sustainable integration for families with children
- Gender paradoxes in academic and scientific organisations
- Identities and Democratic values on European digital screens: Distribution, reception, and representation (DIGISCREENS)
- Involuntary Celibacy and Singlehood: Gender and Vulnerability in Times of Precarious Love
- Network(ing) Women - mobilising gender for career success
- Positive affect in ecofascist ideology and propaganda
- RESISTIRÉ: Responding to outbreaks through co-creative inclusive equality strategies (2021-2024)
- Skateboarding in middle age: gender, aging, and identity in youth cultures
- The Commodification of Motherhood: An Integrated Feminist Social Research Perspective on Mediatisation and Mediation of Mothering in an Era of Consumerism
- The Cultural History of Trans Activism in Scandinavia, 1964-2010
- UniSAFE: Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe (2021-2024)
Completed projects
- "Our day is nice." Meeting places for fathers on parental leave
- Alternative knowledge claims about the risks of copper IUDs and HPV vaccine in the social media era
- Between Romance and Sexual Commerce: Sugar Dating and the renegotiation of the boundaries between economy and intimacy
- Coaching boys into men. A project on sports, gender equality and masculinity
- Conceptualizing intersectionality
- Enhancing the Quality of Policy Through Intersectional Analysis? Intersectionality, Multiple Inequalities and the Case of Gender-based Violence (2012-2017)
- FATIMA: Preventing Honour Related Violence by Education and Dialogue Through Immigrant NGO:s (2015-2018)
- Female Genital Mutilation: Girls at Risk in the EU
- Femicide Across Europe (2015-2023)
- Feminist Theories on Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies
- FEMITURES: Feminist Politics and the (Re)structuring of European Equality Architectures (2015-2020)
- Gender and the Financial Crisis (2009-2011)
- Gender Based Violence in Sports (2015-2017)
- Gender diversity, research and innovation
- Gender dynamics of East-West research mobility
- Gender mainstreaming and innovation in public services
- Gender Talk Gender Spaces
- GenSET - Building institutional capacity for action on gender dimension in science
- GERIQ: Feminist Politics and Gender Equality Policy: The Representation of Interests and Inequalities (2015-2020)
- HVS: Honour, Violence and Society. The expressions and prevalence of honour-related violence and the challenges to society (2017-2020)
- LAWGEM: New Quality in Education for Gender Equality (2019-2022)
- Physical and Legal Security and the Criminal Justice System (2009-2011)
- QUING: The Quality of Gender + Equality Policy (2006-2011)
- Rape and Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Zones (2014-2018)
- Representing women: Gendering Swedish Film Culture and Production
- Social Science Education on Trust for an Active and Critical Citizenship
- The Making of Political Women.
- The politics, expressions and prevalence of violence against trans* people in the EU (2020-2022)
- The Strength of Feminist Civil Society Organisations in the EU 27 (2010-2013)
- Transsexuality in Iran: Socio-legal studies of policies and practices
- Trucks for all: Developing norm-critical innovation at Volvo
- Violence against Trans* Women within Family and Work in Sweden: A Qualitative Analysis of Socio-Legal Status
- VRVR: Regimes of Violence: Theorising and Explaining Variations in the Production of Violence in Welfare State Regimes (2018-2021)
- Women's safety during and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic (2021-2022)
- Worldwide Best Practices for Rape Prevention and for Assisting Women Victims of Rape