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Research projects

Categorization Identities and Communication CIC

About this project

Project information

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Research subject

The ethnographic project CIC, Categorizations, Identities and Communication, illuminates processes of categorizations and identities in educational arenas. The project is part of the ongoing work at the CCD research group at Örebro University. Working with a multidisciplinary theoretical framework, the aim of the project is to juxtapose issues of multilingualism, diversity, identity and marginalization processes inside and outside institutional settings. Hence, in line with and in cooperation with other projects at CCD, the CIC project aims to highlight the intersecting processes of learning, language and identity, generating new perspectives on multilingualism as it gets played out inside and outside education. The ethnographic framing in the project encompasses policy material as well as audio and video data from classroom environments. The theoretical framework is grounded on a sociohistorical, sociocultural and decolonial perspectives that center-stage processes of learning, identity, language and marginalization.

During the first phase of the CIC project (2007-2013), categorizations and identity processes in the Swedish language program for adult immigrants, Swedish for immigrants Sfi, was in focus. The analysis included a historical perspective, where policy material from the 1960’s until 2011, as well as interactional data from Sfi classrooms during the first decade of the 21stcentury.

During the second phase of the project (2013-ongoing), the analytical aperture is wider, including compulsory schools, special schools, compulsory school for children with intellectual disabilities etc. The study builds upon results generated during the first phase as well as in the CCD project LISA 21, with the aim of analyzing categorization and marginalization processes in the Swedish educational system with regards to conceptualizations of language, culture and geopolitical place.

Peer-reviewed international conference papers, inter/national publications

Rosén, J & Bagga-Gupta, S (accepted). Prata svenska vi är i Sverige! [Talk Swedish we are in Sweden!]. A study of practiced language policy in adult language learning. Linguistics and Education.

Rosén, J (accepted) I det interkulturella gränslandet – identitetskapande inom undervisningen i Svenska för invandrare (SFI). In Sprogforum, temanummer Kritisk pædagogik i sprogundervisningen

Rosén, J (2014). Svenska för invandrare - mellan samhällsdeltagande och anställningsbarhet. In: Vinterek, M & Arnqvist, A (red) Pedagogiskt arbete: Enhet och mångfald. Falun: Högskolan Dalarna

Rosén, J. (2014) Intersektionellt identitetsarbete på SFI. Paper presented at ASLA, 8-9 May, Södertörns högskola, Stockholm

Rosén, J (2014) Being, belonging or performing? Rethinking the notion of historical bodies in nexus analysis. Paper presented in Colloquium “Nexus Analysis – A Methodology for Multilingual, Multitemporal, and Multimodal Sociolinguistics”, Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, 15-18 June, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Rosén, J & Bagga-Gupta, S (2014). Back to roots! Languaging and constructing home(land) and (be)longing in Swedish national language policies across time. Paper presented at LanDpost - Languaging and Diversity in the age of post-colonial glocal-medialization, 15-17 October 2014, Mysore, India

Rosén, J & Bagga-Gupta, S (2013) Shifting identity positions in the development of language education for immigrants: an analysis of discourses associated with 'Swedish for immigrants'. Language, Culture and Curriculum. Vol. 26, Issue 1, s.68-88.

Rosén, J (2013) Svenska för invandrarskap? Språk, kategorisering och identitet inom utbildningsformen Svenska för invandrare. Örebro Studies in Education 38. Örebro universitet.

Rosén, J (2013) När de illiterata kom till Sverige. Språk, lärande och identitet inom Sfi,. In: Wedin, Å & Hedman, C (red) Flerspråkighet, litteracitet och multimodalitet. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Rosén, J. (2013). Svenska för invandrare - mellan samhällsdeltagande och anställnings-barhet. Paper presenterat vid Nationell konferens i pedagogiskt arbete 16-17 May, Falun.

Rosén, J. (2013) Identitetsarbete på Sfi. En intersektionell analys av kön och etnicitet inom undervisningen i Svenska för invandrare. Paper presenterat vid NORDAND 11: Den 11:e konferensen om Nordens språk som andra- och främmandespråk. 13-15 June, Stockholm.

Rosén, J & Bagga-Gupta, S. (2013) Shaping identity and futures through language learning. A study of an institutional education for immigrants across time and space. Paper presenterat vid EARLI 2013. 27-31 August, Munich

Rosén, J & Bagga-Gupta, S. (2013). Negotiating linguistic and cultural diversity in the adult language learning classroom. A study of practiced language policy in institutional education for immigrants in Sweden. Paper presented at 13th IPrA, International Pragmatics Association Conference – Panel "Multilingual practices and the management of linguistic and cultural diversity -": Organizer Christiane Hohenstein. 8-13 September, New Delhi, India.

Rosén, J. 2012. Becoming an immigrant in the Sfi-classroom.: Intersections of gender and national identity in the language learning classroom. Paperpresentation vid International multidisciplinary workshop Marginalization Processes. 2012, 26 - 28 April 2012. Örebro University.

Rosén, J. 2009. Who needs Swedish? The development of Swedish for immigrants (Sfi) from a language ideological perspective. Paperpresentation vid International Research Symposium/Workshop. Re-thinking bilingualism – Challenges of multilingualism and communication in classroom settings. Örebro University, 14-15 maj 2009.

Rosén, J. & Bagga-Gupta, S. 2011. From worker- to workoriented discourses in the language training for immigrants. Shifting identities in the development of the educational system ‘Swedish for immigrants’. A sociohistorical account of categories. Paperpresentation vid ISB8 - International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo 15-18 juni 2011.

Rosén, J & Bagga-Gupta, S. 2011. Prata svenska vi är i Sverige. Languaging and identities in the construction and organization of ‘Swedish for immigrants’. Paperpresentation vid 14th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Exeter UK, 30 August - 3 September 2011.

Rosén, J. & Bagga-Gupta, S. 2011. From participation to employability: Shifting aims and identities in the development of the educational system "Swedish for immigrants". Paperpresentation vid Conference on Marginalization Processes in Institutionalized Educational Settings. 17 - 19 October 2011.


  • Jenny Rosén, Högskolan i Dalarna