This page in Swedish

Research projects

Communicative activity and participation in children with developmental language disorder

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2020 - 2023


Cecilia Nakeva Von Mentzer

Research subject

Limitations regarding communicative activity and participation have seldom been investigated in Swedish children with developmental language disorders with or without hearing impairment. The overall aim of the research project is to investigate the consequences of these disabilities in children in preschool through a biopsychosocial perspective (ICF-CY; WHO, 2007). The project uses, for the first time, a Swedish adaptation of an international validated instrument, Speech Participation and Activity Assessment of Children (McLeod, 2004). The project aims with this instrument, and by focusing in particular on the interaction between the individual child and its environment, to illuminate both the child's own description and significant adults, of communicative activity, and sense of participation, among friends and staff at (pre-) school.

Communicative activity and participation in children with developmental language disorder

Research funding bodies

  • ALF funding from the Region Västra Götaland
  • Majblomman Foundation
  • Region Örebro County
