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Research projects

Does the ecosystem services approach matter? Evaluating its political and practical implications for Swedish biodiversity

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Erik Hysing

Research subject

Research environments

The ecosystem services approach (ES) is expected to guide Swedish decision makers towards more sustainable practices. This project aims to further our understanding of the practical implementation and political implications of the ES approach for Swedish biodiversity governance, including its possible contribution to enacting effective, fair and legitimate policy measures. More specifically, the project will analyse how the ES approach has been integrated within the policy toolbox of Swedish biodiversity governance and how key Swedish decision makers understand, value and develop capacity to act on ES. Based on empirical studies and stakeholder dialogues, the project will theoretically elaborate on key criteria and principles for construction of coherent policy packages that can help promote efficient, fair and legitimate biodiversity governance.

Publications from the project:

Bild på skogsdunge

Research funding bodies

  • The Swedish Research Council Formas