In 2019, members of the TUMA group were selected to be awarded with the ISPO Forchheimer Prize: Lis Sjöberg, Helen Lindner, Liselotte Hermansson

Winner of Forchheimer prize
Orthotics recognises the most outstanding paper on objective clinical assessment, clinical evaluation or clinical measurement published in Prosthetics and Orthotics International during the two years prior to the Congress with the Forchheimer Prize.
The Forchheimer Prize was established by the Forchheimer family to honour the memory of Sylvia and Alfred Forchheimer.
In 2019, members of the TUMA group were selected to be awarded with the ISPO Forchheimer Prize:
Lis Sjöberg, Helen Lindner, Liselotte Hermansson:
Long-term results of early myoelectric prosthesis fittings: A prospective case-control study.
Prosthetics and Orthotics International, vol. 42, 5: pp. 527–533 (2018).