Research projects

Biochar application for pollutant stabilization and ecological restoration of contaminated land in Sweden

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2023 - 2025


Ingrid Rijk

Research subject

Research environments

Bild på biokol.

There are approximately 85.000 potential contaminated sites in Sweden. Soil remediation in Sweden is mostly performed by soil excavation and landfilling creating a significant environmental footprint and infinite waste source. Soil amendment with biochar may offer an alternative, environmental-friendly treatment method for polluted soils compared to traditional remediation methods. Biochar can decrease the bioavailability of contaminants while improving the soil quality. However, the implementation of biochar for soil remediation is still limited.

In the foreseen KKS project, we aim to match up to three different polluted sites, provided by our project partners, with the right type of biochar, and perform various short-term feasibility tests to evaluate the immobilization of pollutants and ecological effects. To evaluate long-term effects, we will follow up on an already established field trial with a metal- and PAH contaminated soil. 

This KKS project is a collaboration between researchers on environmental chemistry and ecology from Örebro University, the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and environmental consultants working with assessment and remedial design of contaminated sites, Geosyntec Consultants AB, Structor Miljöteknik AB and Structor Miljö Öst AB.

Taken together, the research is expected to improve understanding on the linkage between contaminant availability and ecosystem effects in biochar remediated soils and enhance the implementation of more environmentally sustainable remediation methods. 

Research groups

Research funding bodies

  • The Knowledge Foundation