Research projects

Development of toolbox for exposome and metabolomics analyses (MeET)

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Tuulia Hyötyläinen

There is a major need and interest in the development of simplified analytical pipelines in the field of metabolomics and, relatedly, in exposome research. Exposome research includes metabolomics as part of global study setup of environmental exposures and how they impact health. Specifically, there is increasing demand for use of robust, high-throughput methodologies and workflows, covering the steps from sampling to the data processing and data analysis. In the studies of human health, the key challenge is to comprehensively characterise both external chemical exposures as well as host metabolome. Since the complexity of such chemical space is enormous, this project aims to address the following core question:

How to realize the full potential of analytical technologies and patient-centric sampling solutions to comprehensively characterize environmental and endogenous chemicals that are relevant to human health or disease?

The primary aim of the proposed project is to develop an analytical and computational pipeline for comprehensive characterization of chemical compounds, including both metabolites as well and exogeneous chemicals. Such a pipeline would be useful to inform public and environmental health authorities about the chemical safety, as well as provide a powerful platform for discovering novel disease biomarkers that may be amenable for the development of novel diagnostic applications.

The project is lead by two Principal investigators (PI) from two different research environments of Örebro University. Both PIs are world-leading experts in their research fields, and have already strong joint collaborative research projects. The current Synergi21 proposal aims at further stregthening this collaboaration by developing much needed toolbox for metabolomic and exposome research, also being applicable on clinical research. The project is done in close collaboration with four industrial partners, with the project aims and goals created in collaboration with these business partners.

The expected results of the project are

1. Development and evaluation of sampling system for metabolomics and exposome research

2. Development of high throughput sample preparation and analysis workflows

3. Development and evaluation of novel tools for data processing, including automated identification by using artificial intelligence approaches

4. Development of novel reagents for the diagnostic and 'omics' assays

Overall, the project will create a platform for innovative, high-impact metabolomics and exposome research. It will further stregthen the position of the Örebro University in the field of metabolomic and exposome research, and create novel networks both on clinical reswarch, academia as well as in industry, as the project is done in close collabpratores of four business partners.

Research funding bodies

  • The Knowledge Foundation


  • Capitainer AB
  • Larodan AB
  • Shimadzu Filial Sverige
  • Waters Sverige AB