Research projects

Interaction between dietary protein and fibre fermentation - its functional consequences

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2020 - 2022


Samira Prado

Research subject

Research environments

Not all food components are digested and absorbed by the human digestive tract. The undigested nutrients reach the distal part of the intestine, and the gut bacteria use it as a substrate. Metabolites released by the fermentation process trigger cascades locally or systemically on the human body. The type of metabolites produced depends on the food component's chemical structure and the kind of bacteria present in the gut. Since dietary fibre is a non-digestible carbohydrate, several studies investigate its fermentation. Even though humans can digest proteins, they reach the colon and are fermented—the protein fermentation process results in different metabolites than the ones produced from fibre fermentation. Therefore, protein and fibre fermentation accrue distinct health outcomes. Whether dietary protein fermentation is beneficial or detrimental to health is highly debatable and needs further enlightenment.

This project aims to determine the interplay between dietary protein and fibre on human gut fermentation. Animal- and plant-based proteins will be tested in different concentrations and combined with dietary fibres to evaluate their role on gut microbiota and its metabolites.

The project is a part of Örebro University's focus area Food and Health, DAAD

Research groups