Research projects

Aquafresh - collaboration with SLU and Future of Food

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Åsa Öström

Research subject

Together with The Swedish Agricultural University (SLU) the project Aquafresh has been established. An overall aim is to create sustainable gastronomic development in the restaurant industry where knowledge about the quality (sensory, biochemical and technical attributes) together with origin of the raw materials is linked to culinary craft and its creative processes, and where economic value can be communicated to restaurant guests. The project will generate results such as experiences, models and tools that can assist knowledge-building in general. The project organisation can be seen as a model for stimulating collaboration and exchange of experience between producers, chefs and researchers. Example on how sensory analysis could be used by professional chefs in restaurants: watch movie 

Research groups

Research funding bodies

  • Örebro University


  • Anders Kiessling, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU)