Research projects

Late onset of inflammatory bowel disease

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Ida Schoultz

Research subject

As the older population is increasing, a larger proportion of older adults will be affected by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The diagnosis and treatment of IBD in elderly people is hampered by several possible differential diagnoses, co-morbidities as well as an increased intake of medications. The reason why IBD, which usually affects young adults, is now increasing in the elderly is still unknown. By performning twin studies, we now investigate the impact of genetics and enviromental factors in late onset of IBD. In collaboration with MTM and prof. Tuulia Höytyläinen we also study the level of accumulated environmental factors in blood in elderly people affected by IBD with the aim of identifying possible risk factors for late onset of IBD. This could potentially facilitate the diagnosis of IBD in elderly patients. The project falls within the framework of Frida Farts dissertation work, a part of the graduate school Succesful Ageing. In an other doctoral project led by Prof. Jonas Halfvarson, the epidemiological risk factors behind late onset of IBD is elucidated, a project included in Sarita Shrestha's thesis work a part of the Newbreed project at the University. 


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