Junior Network

The Junior Network within the Centre for Violence Studies (CVS) started in December 2020 and aims to gather all junior researchers (doctoral students and post docs) at Örebro University, who study any form of violence.
The overall aim of this network is to increase the understanding of how violence can be studied, by providing a platform for an interdisciplinary discussion between violence researchers from different disciplines. As such, the network consists of researchers representing, for example, gender studies, social work, sport science, criminology, and occupational therapy. Thus, the discussion of violence incorporates both interpersonal (e.g., intimate partner violence) and structural forms of violence (e.g., war).
We meet once a month, every other Friday. Our seminars are mainly devoted to peer review seminars, where we, for example, review and discuss each other’s papers or rehearse conference presentations. We also invite administrative staff and other researchers representing Örebro University to hold workshops, seminars or presentations about various research-related topics requested by the network’s members (e.g., publications strategies, research communications etc.).
In addition to increasing the understanding of violence, the aim of our seminars is also to enable networking between researchers from various disciplines. In turn, we hope that this can encourage and stimulate to joint research collaborations, for example in terms of joint, interdisciplinary, research applications being submitted.
The seminars are mainly held in English.
If you are interested in participating in our network and our seminars, please contact Joakim Petersson: joakim.petersson@oru.se