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The Psychology Lab

The Psychology lab at Örebro University is one of the places that the psychology department conducts its research. It is located on the second floor of Långhuset (L2547-L2557) and includes several facilities that allow a variety of research projects. The lab consists of Testoteket, an interview/observational room, an analysis room, and experimental test rooms with an adjacent control room. In addition, there is a seating area outside the rooms that functions as a waiting room.

Testoteket (L2547) is a place that is open for students (T5-T10) to use. There you can find various tests used in research and the clinic. To book it, use KronoX. Note that you need a key to get into the lab corridor and the room, contact your teachers or supervisors to get access to this space.

The analysis room (L2549) holds modern computers, allowing processing and analysis of data.

The Tekniska psykologlabbet (L2551-L2555) is a seat for more experimental research. There are two experimental rooms with an adjacent control room that allows for testing of two participants simultaneously.

The interview/observational room (L2557) allows both qualitative and quantitative research to be conducted.

To support various research questions there is equipment available such as behavioral measurements (incl. reaction-time paradigms), video equipment, and experimental pain methods (incl. cold pressor test, cutaneous electrical stimulation). The lab is also equipped with a psychophysiology setup (Biopac), including heart rate, galvanic skin response, and respiratory measurements, as well as equipment to measure electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs).

Current ongoing research projects at the Psychology lab:

Interested in the lab? Contact