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Mini conference on the theme Sleep, circadian rhythm and memory

On 11 December, a mini-conference was held at Örebro University's Innovation Lab on the theme "Sleep, circadian rhythm and memory".

Per Davidsson.

Per Davidsson.

The event, which was initiated by CHAMP's sleep research group Sleep Health, included lectures by Ph.D. Per Davidsson and Ph.D. Liisa Kuula.

Dr Davidsson presented a research review of the impact of sleep on memory abilities. he concluded that the results have been contradictory within experimental research, and that there are many knowledge gaps left to fill. Dr Kuula took us on a historical and philosophical walkthrough on the importance of circadian rhythms for human life and well-being. From only having daylight and the changing seasons to adapt our circadian rhythm to, we now have many more factors that affect when we are awake or asleep.

Liisa Kuula.

Liisa Kuula.

The lectures were appreciated by the participants, which included researchers, university teachers and other staff from Psychology as well as staff from Region Örebro County and Örebro Municipality.  

Finally, the participants also got an insight into ongoing research in sleep research at Örebro University through a poster exhibition where different projects were described. The day helped to increase the spaces for collaboration between clinicians and researchers.

The next mini-conference is planned for May 2025.