New research: Emotion regulation and psychopathology among people with eating disorders

Assessment of emotion regulation difficulties may potentially contribute important information when planning and implementing eating disorder treatment.
In a new study, adults with eating disorders could be divided into three clinically meaningful groups based on their emotion regulation difficulties. The study showed that the three groups differed both in terms of degree and type of eating disorder symptoms as well as the presence of other psychiatric diagnoses. More severe emotion regulation difficulties were clearly linked to both more severe eating disorder symptoms and other psychiatric disorders, especially self-harm and substance abuse.
Overall, the results indicate that emotion regulation difficulties may be central for individuals with eating disorders. Assessment of emotion regulation difficulties may potentially contribute important information when planning and implementing eating disorder treatment.
Read the full article here:
Nordgren, L., Ghaderi, A., Ljótsson, B., & Hesser, H. (2022). Identifying subgroups of patients with eating disorders based on emotion dysregulation profiles: A factor mixture modeling approach to classification. Psychological Assessment, 34(4), 367–378. Identifying subgroups of patients with eating disorders based on emotion dysregulation profiles: A factor mixture modeling approach to classification. - PsycNET (