A Human Nature: Risks, Regulations, and Representations
A festschrift titled En mänsklig natur: risker, reglering och representationer was published on the occasion of the CESSS member Ylva Uggla’s retirement. The book, edited by Rolf Lidskog and Erik Löfmarck, contains twelve chapters written by Uggla’s close colleagues on various aspects of human–nature interaction. The chapters capture the sociological view of nature as populated by humans, a perspective that has permeated professor Uggla’s work.
In one of the chapters, the CESSS member Rolf Lidskog provides a sociological understanding of environmental disasters and the responsibility of society in preparing for such events. Environmental disasters have not been prominent in Swedish history, but they are likely to become more common as a consequence of climate change. Lidskog uses the concepts risks, regulations, and representations to deepen the knowledge of how society understands and handles environmental disasters. Understanding how society portrays climate change in terms of risks, representations, and regulations has important implications that can facilitate future research and technical endeavors to reduce the impact of global warming.
Chapter reference
Lidskog, R. (2022). Moderna miljökatastrofer: risker, representationer och reglering [Modern environmental disasters: risks, representations and regulation]. In Lidskog, R. & Löfmarck, E. (Eds.) En mänsklig natur. Risker, reglering och representationer [A human nature: Risks, regulations and representations] (pp. 55–72). Örebro: Örebro University, Department of Sociology. Read more about the publication here
Book reference
Lidskog, R. & Löfmarck, E. (Eds.). (2022). En mänsklig natur. Risker, reglering och representation [A human nature: Risks, regulations and representations]. Örebro: Örebro University, Department of Sociology. Read more about the publication here