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CESSS's seminar

Spring semester 2025

February 4, 13:15-15:00
Applications seminar. Rolf Lidskog and Ulrika Olausson will give a talk on “Formas and VR – The review process for research applications and organizational consequences of current research politics”. Afterwards, Dag Balkmar and Magnus Boström will present research applications for discussion and comments. The drafts will be circulated in the week before.

Location: F2240.

March 5, 13:15-15:00
Doctoral student workshop with Suvi Salmenniemi, Professor of Sociology, Turku University (Finland).

Location: tbd.

March 6, 13:00-14:30
Joint attendance of seminar within the Centre for Feminist Social Studies (CFS) seminar series: Suvi Salmenniemi, Professor of Sociology at Turku University (Finland) will present ongoing work. 

Location: Room 2240.

April 1, 10:15-12:00
Doctoral student workshop: “Planning your time – juggling research, courses, teaching, and more”.
We will end with a joint lunch.

Location: Östra Mark, Ö201.

Deadline for registration: March 17.

April 1, 13:15-15:00
Paper seminar: Dag Balkmar and Magnus Boström will present research papers for discussion. Paper drafts will be circulated in the week before.

Location: Östra Mark, Ö201.

April 24, 13:15-15:00
Joint seminar with the Centre for Feminist Social Studies (CFS): Professor Neferti Tadiar (Barnard College, Columbia University), who is visiting professor at Norrköping University, will present her work on colonialism, migration, capitalism and environmental changes.

Location: Room 2240.

May 8-9, Thursday to Friday
CESSS retreat. More information will follow in an e-mail closer to the date.

Deadline for registration & location: tba.

May 23, 11:00-12:15
Invited talk: Nicklas Neuman, Associate Professor at Uppsala University, will present insights from experiments exploring social influences on food behaviour.

Location: Room 2240.

May (day: tbd), 13:15-15:00
Guest lecture: Elisa Paiusco, PhD candidate in philosophy at the University of Twente, Netherlands. Her research focuses on the social and ethical implications of deploying carbon removal techniques within climate mitigation projects as well as the broader sustainable development transition.

Location: Zoom, a link will be circulated.

11 June, 12:00-15:00
CESSS project workshop: Developing a joint CESSS project proposal on Transformative Agency. More information will follow closer to the date.

Location: F139.
Deadline for registration: May 30.