Politics, Policy and Collective Organizing
The study of Politics, Policy and Collective Organizing deploys both contemporary and historical perspectives to study society and politics, such as gender equality policies issued by local, national or transnational policy actors including government agencies. We also analyze how feminist organizing and social movements have contributed to articulate demands and push for political change, and how policy and policies affect women and their lives.
Another important strand for research is constituted by the critique and resistance mobilized in response to gender equality policies and changes in gender relations. Recent developments have led to threats to democracy, feminism and academic freedom as right-wing populist and racist political actors have gained momentum in Europe. This research strand departs from feminist theories focusing on democracy and democratic values, policies and politics, institutions and implementation and social movement theory.
Research areas
Representing Women: Gendering Swedish Film Culture
Contact: Maria Jansson
Social Science Education on Trust for an Active and Critical Citizenship
Contact: Maria Jansson
Maria Jansson (contact), Dag Balkmar, Izabela Dahl, Maria Darwish, Betel Birhanu, Evelina Johansson-Wilén