This page in Swedish

Research environment

CFS - Centre for Feminist Social Studies

People are crossing a pedestrian crossing.

CFS is a multi- and transdisciplinary research environment oriented toward social science. Grounded in feminist and intersectional theory we analyse social and political phenomena and conditions in the broadest sense of the term.

Statue with two persons fighting.

Feminist violence studies

Women and men have different experiences of violence. We investigate different forms of violence and how it is gendered.

Men shouting and watch sport.

Men and masculinities

We analyse how masculinities changes and how they can be understood in contexts such as family, sports, and music.

A bicycle with flowers.


We apply a feminist perspective on sustainability, how gender affects the work on sustainability, and how gendered sustainbilites interacts with policy.

A puzzle with symbols for man and woman.

Feminist theory

We develop and analyse concepts and theories relevant to gender studies including and identify its presuppositions and assumptions.

Two people holding hands.

Love and lgbtqi+

This research consists of two strands: The first is studies of love, intimacy, and sexuality. The second investigates the conditions for lgbtqi+ persons.

A lot of women working together.

Policy and organisation

The research falling under this category examines gender equality policy, knowledge production, work and women’s organising.

A microphone and the text Studio Genus.

Studio Genus

In Studio Genus, gender researchers talk about research and discuss socially relevant topics. (In swedish)