This page in Swedish The Life Science Centre Staff Denisa Avdouli Denisa Avdouli Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Denisa Avdouli Email: ZGVuaXNhLmF2ZG91bGk7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: B2306 Håkan Berg Håkan Berg Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Håkan Berg Email: aGFrYW4uYmVyZztvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303670 Room: B2313 Yared Bezabhe Yared Bezabhe Position: Laboratory Technician School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Yared Bezabhe Email: eWFyZWQuYmV6YWJoZTtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: B2303 Magnus Carlsson Magnus Carlsson Position: Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Magnus Carlsson Email: bWFnbnVzLmNhcmxzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: B2302 Lara García Campa Lara García Campa Position: Postdoctoral Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Lara García Campa Email: bGFyYS5nYXJjaWEtY2FtcGE7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: B2306 Aboi Igwaran Aboi Igwaran Position: Postdoctoral Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Aboi Igwaran Email: YWJvaS5pZ3dhcmFuO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: P2223 Mikael Ivarsson Mikael Ivarsson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Health Sciences Profile page: Mikael Ivarsson Email: bWlrYWVsLml2YXJzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303268 Room: P1411 Jana Jass Jana Jass Position: Professor School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Jana Jass Email: amFuYS5qYXNzO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303943 Room: B2301 Irina Kalbina Irina Kalbina Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Irina Kalbina Email: aXJpbmEua2FsYmluYTtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 301223 Room: B2308 Selvaraju Kanagarajan Selvaraju Kanagarajan Position: Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Selvaraju Kanagarajan Email: c2VsdmFyYWp1LmthbmFnYXJhamFuO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303085 Room: B2210 Faisal Ahmad Khan Faisal Ahmad Khan Position: Postdoctoral Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Faisal Ahmad Khan Email: ZmFpc2FsLWFobWFkLmtoYW47b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Carina Modig Carina Modig Position: Laboratory Engineer School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Carina Modig Email: Y2FyaW5hLm1vZGlnO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301070 Room: B2317 Luis Morales Luis Morales Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Luis Morales Email: bHVpcy5tb3JhbGVzO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301033 Room: B2304 Per-Erik Olsson Per-Erik Olsson Position: Professor School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Per-Erik Olsson Email: cGVyLWVyaWsub2xzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301244 Room: B2305 Berkay Paylar Berkay Paylar Position: Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Berkay Paylar Email: YmVya2F5LnBheWxhcjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: P2219 Vikky Rajulapati Vikky Rajulapati Position: Postdoctoral Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Vikky Rajulapati Email: dmlra3kucmFqdWxhcGF0aTtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: B2302 Ignacio Rangel Ignacio Rangel Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Medical Sciences Profile page: Ignacio Rangel Email: aWduYWNpby5yYW5nZWw7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303712 Room: X2114 Dirk Repsilber Dirk Repsilber Position: Professor School/office: School of Medical Sciences Profile page: Dirk Repsilber Email: ZGlyay5yZXBzaWxiZXI7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 301256 Room: X2218 Berhanu Sahilu Berhanu Sahilu Position: - School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Berhanu Sahilu Email: YmVyaGFudS5zYWhpbHU7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302419 Room: P2213 Nikolai Scherbak Nikolai Scherbak Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Nikolai Scherbak Email: bmlrb2xhaS5zY2hlcmJhaztvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 302166 Room: B2319 Gladys Sergon Gladys Sergon Position: Research Assistant (Doctoral Student) School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Gladys Sergon Email: Z2xhZHlzLnNlcmdvbjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303085 Room: B2306 Åke Strid Åke Strid Position: Professor School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Åke Strid Email: YWtlLnN0cmlkO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303603 Room: B2310, E3107 Adam Tillo Adam Tillo Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology Profile page: Adam Tillo Email: YWRhbS50aWxsbztvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Nikolaos Venizelos Nikolaos Venizelos Position: Professor Emeritus School/office: School of Medical Sciences Profile page: Nikolaos Venizelos Email: bmlrb2xhb3MudmVuaXplbG9zO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301028, +46 704 942186 Room: X2101