Facts about IBD

Inflammatory bowel disease, IBD, is a chronic disease caused by prolonged inflammation of the digestive tract and affects more than 0,5% of our population. Diagnosis is set after an investigation workup including the patient history, laboratory testing, endoscopy including biopsy of the intestinal mucosa and feacal testing. IBD consists of the major subgroups of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis progresses from the anus affecting more or less of the colon while Crohn’s disease affects segments of any part of the intestine.
The disease course varies from an indolent course to an aggressive, treatment refractory disease, with need of repeated hospital admissions, surgery and increased risk of comorbidity including cancer. Thus, IBD have severe consequences for many affected individuals, including life-long medication, hospitalizations, recurring sick-leaves, and surgical interventions.