Immunoprofiling of Inflammation (iPi)
About this group
Group information
Our immune system is composed of highly diverse and specialized cells that work together to keep us healthy by protecting us from various pathogens. However, a dysregulated immune system can be destructive and mediate inflammation that leads to chronic inflammatory conditions such as coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, inflammatory bowel disease etc. The immune system composition varies from one individual to another and is determined by various endogenous and exogenous factors such as aging, diet etc. Our objective is to profile immune responses in cardiovascular and intestinal inflammation, using a combination of immunophenotypic, proteomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic and functional analyses. Our translational research is both experimental and clinically oriented.
Our overall goals include:
- Better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of inflammation linked to cardiovascular and intestinal inflammatory diseases.
- Identification of novel biomarkers of cardiovascular and intestinal inflammatory diseases.
- Identification of novel pathways and targets to modulate the immune system in order to resolve inflammation.
Group leader
Associate professor Ashok Kumar Kumawat
Phone: +46 19302185
Group Members
Fausto Pirronello- Postdoctoral Researcher
Rosanne Reitsema- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Seta Kurt – PhD student, Biomedical Analyst
Liv Sundqvist - Master thesis student
Knowledge Foundation
Swedish Society of Medicine
Research committee, Örebro county council
Nyckelfonden, Örebro county council
Gamla Tjänarinnor Foundation
Inger Bendix Foundation for Medical research
Join our team: We are always looking for highly motivated and talented colleagues with a passion for basic and translational research to join our team. We welcome prospective PhD and postdoc candidates via Marie Sklodowska-Curie, the Knowledge foundation and Olle Engkvists foundation’s funding programs.
We are always looking for highly motivated students for Master’s thesis project work.
If you are interested to explore immune responses in cardiovascular and intestinal inflammation, please contact us.
Open Positions: Currently we have one open position for Master’s thesis project fellow. If you are interested, please email your CV and brief cover letter stating your research interests and future career goals to
We have ongoing internal and external collaboration with researchers from Örebro University and Örebro University Hospital, Jönköping University, University of Glasgow, University of Manchester, UK and Swedish biotech companies Affibody AB, Perimed AB, TATAA Biocenter AB and Cellevate AB.
Research projects
- Gut microbe-derived diet metabolite and immunomodulatory responses in atherosclerosis
- Inflammation and lipids in vascular disease
- Interactions between microbiome, diet metabolite and inflammation in peripheral arterial disease
- Intestinal macrophages in pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease
- Mapping of immune responses in patients with peripheral arterial disease
- Targeting immune responses in atherosclerosis
News & Media
Congratulations to Rosanne Reitsema for receiving European Federation of Immunological Societies- short-term fellowship to visit Prof. Tao Wang’s Lab at The University of Manchester.
Rosanne får möta 40 Nobelpristagare under klassisk forskarkonferens
Rosanne Reitsema är uttagen till att möta 40 Nobelpristagare vid årets ”Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting”. Förutom den absoluta eliten inom medicin och fysiologi får hon också tillfälle att umgås med över 600 andra unga forskare från hela världen.
91st European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, at Mannheim, Germany
Researchers from Cardiovascular Research Centre attending 91st European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, at Mannheim, Germany.