Publications and Presentations
Publications and Presentations
Barriteau, V. Eudine (2014) “A (Re)Turn to Love: An Epistemic Conversation between Lorde’s ‘Uses of the Erotic’ and Jónasdóttir’s ‘Love Power’,” in Jónasdóttir, Anna G. and Ann Ferguson (eds) Love. A Question for Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. New York and London: Routledge.
Barriteau, V. Eudine (ed.) (2012) Love and Power. Caribbean Discourses on Gender. Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago: University of the West Indies Press.
Barriteau, V. Eudine (2012) “Disruptions and Dangers: Destabilizing Caribbean Discourses on Gender, Love and Power,” in Barriteau, V. Eudine (ed.) (2012) Love and Power. Caribbean Discourses on Gender. Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago: University of the West Indies Press.
Barriteau, V. Eudine (2012) “Coming Home to the Erotic Power of Love and Desire in Caribbean Heterosexual Unions,” in Barriteau, V. Eudine (ed.) (2012) Love and Power. Caribbean Discourses on Gender. Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago: University of the West Indies Press.
Ferguson, Ann (2014) (in press). Review of Elizabeth Brake Minimizing Marriage (2014, Oxford University), for Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy.
Ferguson, Ann (2014) “Feminist Love Politics: Romance, Care, and Solidarity,” in Jónasdóttir, Anna G. and Ann Ferguson (eds) Love. A Question for Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. New York and London: Routledge.
Ferguson, Ann (2012) “Romantic Couple Love, the Affective Economy, and a Socialist Feminist Vision,” in Anatole Anton and Richard Schmitt, eds. Taking Socialism Seriously. New York: Lexington Books: 67-84.
Ferguson, Ann (2011) “How is Global Gender Solidarity Possible?” in Jónasdóttir, Anna G., Valerie Bryson and Kathleen B. Jones (eds) Sexuality, Gender and Power. Intersectional and Transnational Perspectives. New York and London: Routledge.
Ferguson, Ann (2011) “Love, Solidarity and a Politics of Love,” in Strid, Sofia and Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (eds) GEXcel Work in Progress Report, Volume IX. Proceedings from GEXcel Theme
10: Love in Our Time – a Question for Feminism, Conference of Workshops 2-4 December 2010. CFS Report Series No. 15: 2011 – ÖU and Tema Genus Report Series No. 13: 2011 – LiU.
Ferguson, Ann (2010) “Love, Caring Labour and Community: Issues for Solidarity and Radical Change,” in Strid, Sofia and Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (eds) GEXcel Work in Progress Report, Volume VIII. Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 10: Love in Our Time – a Question for Feminism, Spring 2010. CFS Report Series No. 14 – Örebro University and Tema Genus Report Series No. 12 – Linköping University.
Ferguson, Ann (2007) “Gay Marriage: An American and Feminist Dilemma,” Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy, v.22 #1 (Winter 2007): 39-57.
Ferguson, Ann (2007) “Socialist-Feminism: A Cooperative Vision and a Right to Care,” in Anatole Anton and Richard Schmitt (eds), Toward a New Socialism. Lanham MD: Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield: 99-116.
Ferguson, Ann (1991) Sexual Democracy. Women, Oppression, and Revolution. Boulder, San Francisco, Oxford: Westview Press.
Ferguson, Ann (1989) Blood at the Root. Motherhood, Sexuality, and Male Dominance. London, Winchester, Sydney, Wellington: Pandora Press.
Fergusson, Ann (2014) (co-ed. with Anna G. Jónasdóttir) Love: A Question for Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. New York and London: Routledge.
Grosse, Patricia. “Augustine’s Impossibly Disembodied Reason: Looking Back to Look Forward,” at the Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies”. Presentation at 1st International AVANT Conference: “Thinking with Hands, Eyes, and Things,” Torun, Poland; November 2013
Grosse, Patricia. “Eating God: Augustine’s Concupiscent Table.” Presentation in the panel on Ancient Philosophy at the 23rd World Congress in Philosophy, “Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life,” Athens, Greece; August 2013
Grosse, Patricia. Review of Feeling Extended: Sociality as Extended Body-Becoming-Mind, by Douglas Robinson. 2014. “Enactivism: Arguments & Applications.” Avant (V) 2. 271-278
Grosse, Patricia. “Augustine’s Two Flights and Our Two Cupidities: Loving Extension as Human Interaction.” Presentation in the panel “Augustine on Christian Life 1” at the XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, UK; August 2015
Grosse, Patricia. “Love and the Patriarch: Augustine and (Pregnant) Women.” Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. Special Issue: Feminist Love Studies in the 21st Century. 32 (1), 2017
Grossi, Renata (2014) Looking for Love in the legal Discourse of Marriage. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
Grossi, Renata (2014) “Romantic Love: Our ‘Cultural Core,’ ‘General Ideology’ and ‘Undeclared Religion’?” Contemporary Sociology, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 367-369.
Grossi, Renata (2014) “What is Love?” Life Matters Friday Talkback ABC Radio National
Grossi, Renata (2013) “The Radicalism of Romantic Love” in U. Frederick ed. Hopeless Romantics: an exhibition on love and its limits, catalogue, School of Art Foyer Gallery, Australian National University, Canberra.
Grossi, Renata (2013) “Romantic Love - a Feminist Conundrum?” The Feminist Wire, 2 September,
Grossi, Renata (2013) “Does same-sex marriage necessarily mean 'radical love'?”The Conversation 12 July.
Grossi, Renata (2012) “The meaning of love in the debate for legal recognition of same-sex marriage in Australia,” International Journal of Law in Context, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 487 - 505.
Gunnarsson, Lena (2015) ”Bekräftelsetörstande kvinnor och oberoende män? Om kärlekens osynliga ojämställdheter”, Offentlig föreläsning, Örebro universitet. Se filmen på Youtube här
Gunnarsson, Lena (2015) ‘Nature, love and the limits of male power’, Journal of Critical Realism 14(3).
Gunnarsson, Lena (2015) ‘Amarlo por quién es: la microsociología del poder’ , Revista Sociológica 30(85): 235-258.
Gunnarsson, Lena (2014) The Contradictions of Love: Towards a Feminist-Realist Ontology of Sociosexuality. London and New York: Routledge.
Gunnarsson, Lena (2014) ‘Loving Him for Who He Is: The Microsociology of Power’ , in Love – a Question for Feminism in the Twenty First Century, edited by Anna G. Jónasdóttir and Ann Ferguson. London and New York: Routledge, 2014
Gunnarsson, Lena (2013) On the Ontology of Love, Sexuality and Power: Towards a Feminist-Realist Depth Approach. Örebro Studies in Gender Research no. 2. Örebro: Örebro University.
Gunnarsson, Lena (2011) ‘Love – Exploitable Resource or “No-Lose Situation”? Reconciling Jónasdóttir’s Feminist View with Bhaskar’s Philosophy of Meta-Reality’ , Journal of Critical Realism 10(4): 419–441.
Gunnarsson, Lena (forthcoming 2016) ‘The Dominant and its Constitutive Other: Feminist Theorizations of Love, Power and Gendered Selves’, Journal of Critical Realism 12(2).
Gunnarsson, Lena (forthcoming 2017) ‘Hetero-Love in Patriarchy: An Autobiographical Substantiation’, forthcoming in Hypatia 32(1).
Gunnarsson, Lena and Anna G. Jónasdóttir (2016) ”För ett brett fält av feministiska kärleksstudier”, Tidskrift för genusvetenskap tema Kärlek, 37(2): 3-10.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2014) ’Los estudios acerca del amor: un renovado campo de interés para el conocimiento,’ trans. Yolanda Macías, in Adriana García Andrade and Olga Alejandra Sabido Ramos (eds) Cuerpo y afectividad en la sociedad contemporánea. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, México.
Jónasdóttir Anna G. (2014) (co-ed. with Ann Ferguson) Love: A Question for Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. New York and London: Routledge.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2014) “Love Studies: A (Re)New(ed) Field of Feminist Knowledge Interests”, in Jónasdóttir Anna G. and Ferguson, Ann (eds) Love: A Question for Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. New York and London: Routledge.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2011) “What Kind of Power is ‘Love Power’?”, in Anna G. Jónasdóttir, Valerie Bryson and Kathleen B. Jones (eds) Sexuality, Gender and Power. Intersectional and Transnational Perspectives. New York and London: Routledge.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2011) “¿Qué clase de poder es ‘el poder del amor’?” Sociológica, 26 (74): 247-273.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2011) (co-ed. with Sofia Strid) GEXcel Work in Progress Report, Volume IX. Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 10: Love in Our Time – a Question for Feminism, Conference of Workshops 2-4 December 2010. CFS Report Series No. 15 – Örebro University and Tema Genus Report Series No. 13 – Linköping University.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2010) (co-ed. with Sofia Strid) GEXcel Work in Progress Report, Volume VIII. Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 10: Love in Our Time – a Question for Feminism, Spring 2010. CFS Report Series No. 14 – Örebro University and Tema Genus Report Series No. 12 – Linköping University.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2009) ”Feminist Questions, Marx’s Method, and the Theorisation of ‘Love Power’”, in Anna G. Jónasdóttir and Kathleen B. Jones (eds) The Political Interests of Gender Revisited. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2009) ”Is Exploitation Only Bad … Or What Kind of Power Is Love Power?” In poder, poderes y empoderamiento … ¿y el amor? – ah, el amor! Actas 5◦ Congreso Estatal Isonomía sobre Igualdad entre mujeres y hombres. Castelló: Fundación Isonomia para la Igualdad de Oportunidades. Universitat Jaume I. (Web publication)
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2009) ”¿Es la explotación sólo algo malo o … qué tipo de poder es el poder del amor?” PODER, PODERES Y EMPODERAMIENTO … ¿Y EL AMOR? ꜟAH, EL AMOR! Actas 5◦ Congreso Estatal Isonomía sobre Igualdad entre mujeres y hombres.Castelló: Fundación Isonomia para la Igualdad de Oportunidades. Universitat Jaume I. (Web publication)
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2009) “Gender Relations and Historical Materialism – Still a Contested Question: A Critique of Frigga Haug.” In Cecilia Åsberg et al. (eds) Gender Delight: Science, Knowledge, Culture, and Writing … For Nina Lykke (pp 357-367). Linköping: Linköping University.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2003) Kärlekskraft, makt och politiska intressen. En teori om patriarkatet i nutida västerländska samhällen. Göteborg: Daidalos.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (2002) ”Kärlekskraft. Feministiska frågor och Marx metod”, i Häften för kritiska studier 2-3-4, s. 16-32.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (1994) Why Women Are Oppressed (slightly revised version of Jónasdóttir 1991). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (1993) El Poder del Amor. Le Importa el Sexo a la Democracia? (Spanish translation of Why Women Are Oppressed.) Madrid: Ediciones.
Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (1991) Love Power and Political Interests. Towards a Theory of Patriarchy in Contemporary Western Societies. (Dissertation, Örebro Studies 7 and Göteborg Studies in Politics 25).
Jones, Kathleen B. (2013) Diving for Pearls: A Thinking Journey with Hannah Arendt. Thinking Women Books.
Jones, Kathleen B. (2012) “Writing Rahel Varnhagen: Biographical and Autobiographical Explorations of Self- Invention,” in Mona Livholts (ed.) Emergent Writing Methodologies in Feminist Studies. New York and London: Routledge.
Jones, Kathleen B. (2010) “Reading Hannah Arendt’s Life Writing: An Intimate Political Biography of Love,” in GEXcel Work in Progress Report, Volume VIII. Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 10: Love in Our Time – a Question for Feminism, Spring 2010. CFS Report Series No. 14 – Örebro University and Tema Genus Report Series No. 12 – Linköping University.
Jones, Kathleen B. (2000) Living between Danger and Love: The Limits of Choice. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London: Rutgers University Press.
Kolehmainen, Marjo (2012): Tracing ambivalent norms of sexuality: Agony columns, audience responses and parody. Sexualities 15(8): 978–994
Kolehmainen, Marjo (2010): Gendering and normalizing affects? How the relation to porn is constructed in young women’s magazines. Feminist Media Studies 10(2): 179–194.
de Miguel, Estibaliz. 'Explorando la agencia de las mujeres encarceladas a través de sus experiencias amorosas' ('Looking at the agency of incarcerated women through their experiences with love') in Papers. Revista de Sociología (indexed in Scopus) (in press)
de Miguel, Estibaliz. 'Relaciones amorosas de las mujeres encarceladas' ('Love relationships of incarcerated women'). Bilbao: University of the Basque Country. 2016
de Miguel, Estibaliz. 'Mujeres, consumo de drogas y encarcelamiento. Una aproximación interseccional' ('Women, drug use and imprisonment. Intersectional approach') in Política y Sociedad (indexed in Scopus), vol. 53, num. 2, (2016) 259-249
de Miguel, Estibaliz. 'Emociones y desigualdades sociales. El caso del miedo' ('Emotions and social inequalities. The case of fear') in Gallego, Sara and Díaz, Eduardo (coords.): IX award of short essay in social sciences by the Sociological Association of Castilla-La Mancha “Fermin Caballero”. Toledo: Asociación Castellano-Manchega de Sociología. 2011
Moreno Álvarez, Alejandra (2011) Ambai: Un movimiento, una carpeta, algunas lágrimas. Translation and introduction by Alejandra Moreno Álvarez. Edición bilingüe. Asturias: Ediciones KRK.
Moreno Álvarez, Alejandra (2012) “Mapping a Memoir within Australian Landscapes: Shirley Walker”. Coolabah, no. 9: 59-65.
Nardini, Krizia (2015) 'El Amor Romántico (NO) MATA. Thinking through romantic love and men's engagement for gender equality in Spain’, in Enguix, B., Roca, J. (eds) Rethinking Romantic Love. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Roberts, Laura (2013). “Luce Irigaray’s Psychoanalytic Contexts: Melanie Klein and Béla Grunberger”, Australian Association of Philosophy Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, July 2013.
Roberts, Laura (2014). “Luce Irigaray and Gayatri Spivak: Toward a (non traditional) Ontology of Sexual Difference”, presentation at Luce Irigaray Circle Conference, RMIT, Melbourne, December 2014.
Roberts, Laura (2014). “Irigaray and Beauvoir: Radicalising Sexual Difference”, Australian Society for Continental Philosophy, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, December 2014.
Roberts, Laura (2015). “Cultivating Difference in Luce Irigaray's Between East and West,” in Building a New World. Edited by Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Roberts, Laura (2016). “A Revolution of Love: Thinking Through a Dialectic That is Not One”, presentation at the Thinking Love Conference organised by Luce Irigaray, Bristol University, UK, June 2016.
Roberts, Laura (2016). “Making Mischief: Thinking Through Women’s Solidarity and Sexuate Difference with Luce Irigaray and Gayatri Spivak,” in Identity and Difference: Contemporary Debates. Edited by Rafael Winkler. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Roberts, Laura (2017). “A Revolution of Love: Thinking Through a Dialectic That is Not One,” Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, Vol. 32, Issue 1.
Sabido Ramos, Olga y García Andrade, Adriana (2015) "El amor como vínculo social. Con Elias y más allá de Elias", Revista Sociológica, 30 (86): 31-63
Sabido Ramos, Olga (2015) "Fragmentos amorosos en el pensamiento de Georg Simmel" en Gilberto Díaz Aldana (ed.), Una actitud del espíritu. Interpretaciones en torno a Georg Simmel. Centro Editorial de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Biblioteca abierta de sociología, Bogotá, pp. 205-235
Sam Rueda, Carmela and Alejandra Moreno Alvarez (2008) “Our Tribute to Anna Jónasdóttir”. Jones, Kathleen B. And Karlsson, Gunnel (eds.) Gender and the Interests of Love. Essays in honour of Anna G. Jónasdóttir. Örebro University, pp. 91-95.
Stoller, Silvia (2011) “The Sleep of the Beloved: Beauvoir on Patriarchal Love.” In Phenomenology 2010, Vol. 4: Selected Essays from Northern Europe: Traditions, Transitions and Challenges, ed. Dermot Moran and Hans Rainer Sepp. Bucharest: Zeta Books.
Stoller, Silvia (2010): “Von der heterosexuellen Liebe zur Liebe. Eine Replik auf Ferdinand Fellmann.” In e-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 14 (Juli 2010): 1-8.
Stoller Stoller, Silvia, and Susanne Hochreiter (eds.) (2009) Liebeskonzepte und Geschlechterdiskurs. In Mitteilungen des Instituts für Wissenschaft und Kunst 3-4 (2009), 64. Jg.
Stoller, Silvia (2009): “Der Schlaf des Geliebten. Simone de Beauvoir über die Liebe.” In Liebeskonzepte und Geschlechterdiskurs. In Mitteilungen des Instituts für Wissenschaft und Kunst 3-4 (2009), 64. Jg., 4-8.
Stoller, Silvia (2008) “Liebe bei Merleau-Ponty und Deleuze. Interview mit Mauro Carbone.” In Journal Phänomenologie 30 (2008): 62-69.
Stoller, Silvia (2006) “Zur Bedeutung der Liebe in Pierre Bourdieus Die männliche Herrschaft,” Journal Phänomenologie 25 : 32-41.
Szachowicz-Sempruch, Justyna"Constructing family, understanding love – The precariousness of bonding and romance in Europe," in Politics and Love. Eszter Kováts (ed.), FESBP, 2015, pp. 70-79.
Takseva, Tatjana. Mothering Under Fire: Mothers and Mothering in Conflict Zones. Eds. Tatjana Takševa and Arlene Sgoutas. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015.
Takseva, Tatjana. “Mother Love, Maternal Ambivalence, and the Possibility of Empowered Mothering." Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy 32.1 (2017).
Takseva, Tatjana. “Raising Children Born of Wartime Rape in Post-Conflict Bosnia: Maternal Philosophy Perspective”. Mothering Under Fire: Mothers and Mothering in Conflict Zones. Eds. Tatjana Takseva and Arlene Sgoutas. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015, 97-120.
Takseva, Tatjana. “Introduction: How Conflict Shapes Motherhood and Motherwork.” Tatjana Takseva and Arlene Sgoutas. Mothering Under Fire: Mothers and Mothering in Conflict Zones. Eds. Tatjana Takseva and Arlene Sgoutas. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015. 1-23.
Takseva, Tatjana. “How Contemporary Consumerism Shapes Intensive Mothering Practices” Intensive Mothering: The Cultural Contradictions Of Modern Motherhood. Ed. Linda Ennis. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015, 211-232.
Takseva, Tatjana. “Mothering and Teaching: Two Practices on the Same Continuum.” Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. Mothers, Education and Maternal Pedagogies. 4.1 (2013).
Takseva, Tatjana. “The Commercialization of Motherhood and Mothering in the Context of Globalization: Anglo-American Perspectives.” Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering. 3.1 (2012): 134-148.
Takseva, Tatjana. “Between Oppression and Empowerment: The Range of Maternal Experiences in Bosnian Women Rape Survivors.” Presentation at Mothers, Mothering, Motherhood in Today’s World International Conference. Toronto, October 14-16, 2016.
Takseva, Tatjana. “Maternal Ambivalence and Raising Children Born of War Rape in Post-Conflict Bosnia.” Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Ottawa, May 2015. Women and Gender Studies et Rescherches Feminists panel.
Tidskrift för genusvetenskap tema Kärlek (themed issue on Love), vol 37, nr 2, 2016. Guest edited by Lena Gunnarsson and Anna G. Jónasdóttir.
Toye, Margaret E. (2011) “The Gender Politics of 'The Politics of Love': Irigaray, Ethics and the Shadow of Hegel's Antigone” in Strid, Sofia and Jónasdóttir, Anna G. (eds) GEXcel Work in Progress Report, Volume IX. Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 10: Love in Our Time – a Question for Feminism, Conference of Workshops 2-4 December 2010. CFS Report Series No. 15: 2011 – ÖU and Tema Genus Report Series No. 13: 2011 – LiU.
Toye, Margaret E. (2010) “Towards a poethics of love. Poststructuralist feminist ethics and literary creation,” Feminist Theory, Vol. 11(1): 39-55.
Toye, Margaret E. (2015) “Re-imagining feminist theories of ‘love’ in a posthuman world.” Affective Entanglements: Feminist Production that Matters Panel. Posthuman Affects in 21st Century Feminist Production Stream. Affect Theory Conference: Worldings, Tensions, Futures. Millersville University, Lancaster, PA. 14-17 October 2015
Toye, Margaret E. (2015) “Love sensation:” feminist epistemologies of love and affect.” Love, Sensitive Experience, and Feminism. Area of Theory and Sociological Thought (UAM-Azcapotzalco) and the Feminist Love Studies – An International Network. Casa Rafael Galván, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City. 17-18 September 2015.
Toye, Margaret E. (2015) “Love and knowledge/love as knowledge: feminist epistemology and the concept of love.” Philosophy Speaker Series. Department of Philosophy, Wilfrid Laurier University. 13 March 2015.
Toye, Margaret E. (2014) “‘Poethics of Love’ as Feminist Methodology.” Science, Technology, and Gender: Challenges and Opportunities. Joint Meeting of The Association for Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies and the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. 10-13 August 2014.
Toye, Margaret E. (2013) “Positioning Love and Affect.” Seminar: Positioning Love and Affect. ” Global Positioning Systems. American Comparative Literature Association. Seminar Organizers: Jonathan Allan and Margaret E. Toye. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, 4-7 April 2013.
Toye, Margaret E. (2012) “The Politics of Love.” Off-Topic Series: Love, Politics, Sincerity and the Media. Emotional Blackmail Exhibit. Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery. 30 May 2012.
Toye, Margaret E. (2012) “Love transmogrified: technologies of gender and genre in Barbara Gowdy's We So Seldom Look on Love” Gender, Bodies & Technology: (Dis)Integrating Frames. Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Virginia Tech. Roanoke, Virginia. 26-28 April 2012.
Toye, Margaret E. (2012) "Re-/: Rethinking Love: A Feminist Poethics or, how a question posed to me at a conference changed the direction of my book." MA in CAST Colloquium Series. 2 March 2012.
Toye, Margaret E. (2012) “Rethinking Love: A Feminist Poethics".” Feminist Philosophy Lecture Series: Feminist Thought: Constructive Revisions of the Canon. Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario. 13 February 2012.
Toye, Margaret E. (2011) “The subject of love: resistance, possibility, transformation.” Explorations of Love Lecture Series. Isabelle Kaplan Center for Languages and Cultures. Bennington College, Vermont. 21 April 2011.
Toye, Margaret E. (2010) “‘It’s about time!’ Irigaray, Hegel’s Antigone and the Politics of Love.” Love in Our Time – A Question for Feminism. GEXcel Conference of Workshops. Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden. 2-4 December 2010.
Toye, Margaret E. (2009)“Poethics as a Technology of Love.” Somatechnics Research Centre. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 6 November 2009.
Toye, Margaret E. (2009) “Feminist Theory and the Subject(s) of Love.” McMaster 2009-10 Visiting Speaker Series “Critical Intimacies.” English and Cultural Studies. McMaster University, Hamilton. September 2009.
Toye, Margaret E. (2009) “Feminism and Love.” Women Transforming the World. Women’s Studies Program, McMaster University, Hamilton. September 2009.
Toye, Margaret E. (2009) “‘What’s Love Got To Do With It?” Theorizing Pain, Theorizing Love.” M.A. in Cultural Analysis and Social Theory Colloquium. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo. 9 January 2009.
Toye, Margaret E. (2008) “Literary Creation and the Ethics of Love: Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray and Camilla Gibb.” Association for Canadian College and University Teachers of English. Congress 2008. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. June 2008.
Toye, Margaret E. (2007) “What a pain: poststructuralist feminist ethics and women’s writing.” Women Writing Reading: Past and Present, Local and Global. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 6 May 2007.
Twamley K (2014) Love, marriage and intimacy among Gujarati Indians: A Suitable Match. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Twamley K, (2013) The globalisation of love?: Examining narratives of intimacy and marriage amongst middle-class Gujarati Indians in the UK and India. Family, Relationships and Societies 2(2), pp. 267-283
Twamley K (2012) Gender relations among Indian couples in the UK and India: Ideals of equality and realities of inequality. Sociological Research Online 17(4) 5
Twamley K, (2015) Searching for equality in love, Seminar at the Department of Sociology (Invited Talk), University of Roehampton, 26th January 2015
Twamley K (2015) What's love got to do with it?: Exploring the narratives of couples who share leave in the first year after the birth of a child, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, April 2015, Glasgow
Twamley K, (2014) Love, honour and obey? Exploring (in)equality in intimate relationships, Seminar at the Department of Sociology (Invited Talk), University of Kent, 6th March 2014
Twamley K (2014) Intimacy and gender equality amongst couples who share leave after the birth of a child, Work and Family Research Network Conference, June 2014, New York
Twamley K, (2014) Love as performance: Identity work in intimate relationships, Feminisms Gender and Sexuality Seminar Series, Institute of Education London, 28th May 2014 (Invited Talk)
Twamley K (2012) Love is enough: Ideals of intimacy inhibiting greater equality amongst Gujarati couples in the UK and India, British Sociological Association Conference, April 2012, University of Leeds, England
Törnqvist, Maria (2013) Tourism and the globalization of emotions: The intimate economy of Tango. London and New York: Routledge.
Törnqvist, Maria (2012) ”Troubling romance tourism: sex, gender and class inside the Argentinean tango clubs." Feminist Review 102.1: 21-40.
Törnqvist, Maria (2010) 'Taxi Dancers: TangoLabour and Commercialized Intimacy in Buenos Aires', in New Sociologies of Sex Work, ed. Kate Hardy, Sarah Kingston and Teela Sanders. Surrey: Ashgate.
Tidskrift för genusvetenskap tema Kärlek (themed issue on Love), vol 37, nr 2, 2016. Guest edited by Lena Gunnarsson and Anna G. Jónasdóttir.
Wyatt Jean. Love and Narrative Form in the Later Novels of Toni Morrison. University of Georgia Press, 2017.
Wyatt Jean, “Failed Messages, Maternal Loss and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy.” Modern Fiction Studies 58.1 (Spring 2012).
Wyatt Jean. “Love’s Time and the Reader: Ethical Effects of Nachtraglichkeit in Toni Morrison’s Love.” Narrative 16.2 (May 2008).
Wyatt Jean. “The Impossible Project of Love in Sartre’s Being and Nothingness, Dirty Hands, and “The Room.” Sartre Studies International 12.2 (November 2006).
Wyatt Jean. "Giving Body to the Word: The Maternal Symbolic in Toni Morrison's Beloved." PMLA (May 1993). Reprinted in Barbara H. Solomon, ed. Critical Essays on Toni Morrison's Beloved. New York: G. K. Hall, 1998 and in Solomon O. Iyasere and Marla W. Iyasere, eds. Understanding Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Sula. Troy, New York: Whitston Publishing, 2000.