Örebro University investing 40 million on 10 postdoctoral researchers
Örebro University is now continuing its investments in research within food and health with 10 postdoctoral researchers. The two-year positions are linked to research projects, and there is a possibility of extension.

The Food and health focus area has been in full swing for just over a year, and researchers from the entire University have contributed with ideas and input. The initiative is interdisciplinary, and the goal is to find areas where Örebro University can make a difference.
“The strong interdisciplinary culture at the University lays the foundation for us becoming a leading player in the field,” says Pro-Vice-Chancellor Robert Brummer, in charge of the initiative together with Dean Åke Strid.
“After two years, it is possible for projects to apply for funding for an additional two years. Which is all included in the SEK 40 million that we are investing at this time,” says Åke Strid.

All in all, Örebro University is investing SEK 125 million in research within Food and health, with the hope of matching that with an equal amount of external funding.
The following is currently underway:
- Five interdisciplinary research projects
- A sensory analysis laboratory
- Planning for a long-term cohort study
And now the University is looking for 10 postdoctoral researchers, to join the initiative.