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Our profile

Örebro University is a prominent broad-based university offering strong professional degree programmes and conducting research that spans no less than 36 subjects across all disciplines. The knowledge fostered at Örebro University is disseminated and benefits society. In the same way, ideas and needs from the world around us inform the university’s activities and development.

We have gathered leading-edge expertise within three areas: AI and robotics, Food and health, and Pollutants and society. Within these profile areas, researchers come together across disciplines to broaden perspectives within education, research, and collaboration, ultimately leading towards a knowledge-driven society.

In addition, Örebro University is developing a knowledge area around AI and robotics as part of the initiative Campus Total Defence. Campus Total Defence is a unique collaboration between Swedish higher education institutions aiming to strengthen the Swedish total defence by offering tailored courses and research. It is coordinated by the Swedish Defence University, Luleå University of Technology and Örebro University.

All this rests on a multidisciplinary platform designed to contribute to a sustainable future.

Although they do not capture the full range of our activities, these profile areas are key elements of who we are.

A plate with fruit and vegetables.

Food and health

Örebro University aims to gather research on what is really near and dear to us - food and health - and make sure that it benefits society.

A man and a robot.

AI and Robotics

Örebro University has strong research and study programme in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and offer AI training for working professionals.

AI-generated picture.

Pollutants and society

Pollutants and society is rooted in the fact that over 350,000 synthetic chemicals are currently in circulation – an ever-increasing number.

Three persons i sitting around a table and are talking.

Campus Total Defence

A strategic collaboration between Swedish universities aiming to strengthen the Swedish total defence through tailored courses and research.

Collage of a bee on a flower with people in the background.

Platform for a sustainable future at Örebro University

We need to radically change society if we are to create a sustainable future. With the aim of contributing to this endeavour, Örebro University is now pooling its sustainability expertise with the vision “Multidisciplinarity for a sustainable future”. Within this platform, we focus on education, research and collaboration to create conditions for change.

Strategic research profiles

The Knowledge Foundation’s Research Profile scheme is designed to provide universities with the opportunity to develop strategically important areas of research and create internationally competitive research centres – in collaboration with business sector partners. 

X-HiDE loggan

X-HiDE Research Centre

Inflammation contributes to many diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers are taking on inflammation in a new way.

Federico points to technic.

Semantic Robots

What makes Semantic Robots unique, even from a global perspective, is its holistic approach to robot research.

Woman working in a lab.

Identify toxic pollutants

EnForce is a research effort aiming towards a non-toxic environment. It is a part of the research centre Man-Technology-Environment, MTM.