Difficult times for Örebro University
The year 2011 has been a year marked by tragedy for Örebro University. Yesterday, Thursday 31 March, a young woman died of stabbing wounds inflicted by a fellow-student and just before the New Year, one of the university’s employees was murdered. It is now important for the university to give support to its employees and students. There are 18,000 students and 1,200 teachers, researchers and employees who all have an important task ahead of them.
- In the midst of all this tragedy, it is important that we try and create a functioning everyday life. Therefore, we have invested large resources in taking care of all employees and students that are affected by these tragic events. I would also like to emphasise that all these events are of a private nature and are not in any way connected to our operations. We have, as a university, not been able to influence or prevent these events, says Vice-Chancellor Jens Schollin.
The deceased female student was enrolled at the Swedish Business School at Örebro University and Agneta Blom, Head of School, is in charge of crisis management at the school.
- We managed to quickly activate our crisis management team and the support to the fellow-students has been working very well. Of course this is a shock and very distressing for all of us. The deceased woman was from China and both the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese Student Union are now working together with us in order to support the students who are affected.
Örebro Student Union has had many visitors during these last months who have wished to discuss the events, however they have not seen signs of student life being affected.
- We consider Örebro University a safe place with a campus that is characterised by a friendly atmosphere. None of the events took place on campus and most students read about this in the newspapers but do not link them to their own everyday life, says Erik Pedersen, Student Union President.
The security level at Örebro University has not changed as a result of recent events.
- A university is and should be an open place and a place where people can meet. We have not experienced any need for increased security, nor have we received any such signals from employees or students. On the contrary I feel that there is a stronger unity, says Erik Nilsson, Security Manager at Örebro University.
In an organisation as large as Örebro University, the daily activities are many and despite the recent tragic and dramatic events, operations continue as usual and the goals ahead are set high.
- It is hard on a day like this but at the same time we must remind ourselves of the positive things. Örebro University is more popular than ever amongst prospective students, the number of students and the number of applicants are record high. The students who study here perform very well and they find employment after their studies. We have been appointed Student Town of the Year and we are collaborating with Örebro municipality in order to further develop Örebro as a student town, says Vice-Chancellor Jens Schollin.