Successful ageing

Good hearing and vision can boost brain function in older people

Andreea Badache.

Andreea Badache.

As we age, our cognitive abilities deteriorate – it becomes increasingly difficult to remember, orient ourselves in time and space, and solve problems. However, good hearing and vision positively impact cognitive abilities in older adults. This is shown in Andreea Badache’s doctoral thesis in disability science at Örebro University.

Andreea Badache defended her doctoral thesis in disability studies at the research school Newbreed at Örebro University.

Her thesis: 
Beyond the Years : How Sensory and Cognitive Functions in Old-Age Shape Disability, and Perspectives on Successful Aging: An epidemiological perspective of disability

"By ensuring good hearing and vision in older adults, we can enhance their independence," says Andreea Badache.

Nearly 40% of older people in Sweden aged 65 and over experience hearing difficulties, and about 10% suffer from visual impairment. In her thesis, Andreea Badache examines the connection between older adults’ cognitive health – the ability to take in, process, and store information – and their hearing and vision.

"Both our cognitive abilities and our hearing and vision change over time, and the connection between them becomes clearer as we age," explains Andreea Badache.

This suggests that various interventions, such as hearing aids and eye surgery, can slow cognitive decline, a natural aspect of ageing.

"These findings could significantly impact public health and offer valuable insights for policymakers and healthcare professionals," says Andreea Badache.

Positive advancements among older adults in Sweden and Denmark

In Sweden and Denmark, older people's ability to cope with everyday tasks, such as eating, dressing, and cleaning, has improved. These developments can be directly linked to their cognitive abilities, level of education, and reading and hearing skills.

"For instance, among those with higher education, the prevalence of hearing and visual impairments is lower," she says.

Furthermore, visual impairment is more prevalent in women than in men. In contrast, the findings indicate that hearing difficulties impact men to a greater degree.

What is considered successful ageing?

Andreea Badache also investigated how individuals aged 75 and over define successful ageing. The factors they deemed important were related to health and psychosocial aspects. The study further highlighted a preference for a peaceful and pain-free death.

"As people age, their definitions of successful ageing change. For instance, those aged 75 and older face different challenges compared to 65-year-olds," explains Badache.

Andreea Badache analysed data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Between 2004 and 2017, the SHARE survey collected information on economic, social, and health factors affecting ageing at both the individual and societal levels. Older individuals – aged 50 and over – from 28 European countries and Israel participated in the study.

Of these, approximately 13,000 are from Sweden, and around 10,000 are from Denmark.


Text: Jasenka Dobric
Photo: Jasenka Dobric
Translation: Jerry Gray