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Wilhelm Tham

Wilhelm Tham Position: Professor School/office: School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science

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Wilhelm Tham

About Wilhelm Tham

He was born on April 11, 1951 in Stockholm. He became authorized Swedish Veterinarian in 1976. VMD (PhD) in Food Hygiene in 1989 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Research fellow in Food Hygiene with special reference to food microbiology in 1995. Specialist in Food Hygiene in 2003. Professor in Food Microbiology in 2004 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science. Currently visiting professor at the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science, Grythyttan, Örebro University.

He has been supervising students at the bachelor, MSc and PhD level mainly concerning different aspects food hygiene. His research is focused on Listeria monocytogenes and the food-borne disease listeriosis. He has been awarded grants mainly from the Research Foundation of Ivar and Elsa Sandberg, Veterinarian Billström’s Foundation and SJFR. He has been honoured by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) for exemplary efforts within pedagogy and teaching at the Swedish University of Agricultural in 1989. In 2016 he received a scholarship from Erik Johan Ljungberg’s Education Fund. Students reasons included ‘‘The teacher practising good education through training and guidance, and take the time to listen and care about she students...’’


He has been opponent of disputations, member of evaluation committees and consulted as an expert and is referee for international journals such as Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Epidemiology and Infection, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, Letters in Applied Microbiology and Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Disease

Together with Prof. M-L Danielsson-Tham he was scientific organizer of the international symposium ‘‘Food Associated Pathogens’’ in 1996, Uppsala, the ‘‘Nordic PFGE meeting’’ in 2000, Uppsala, the ‘‘International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis’’ in 2004, Uppsala and the ‘‘2nd Symposium on Food Associated Pathogens’’ in 2010, Grythyttan.

He is member of the editorial board for ‘‘Foodborne Pathogens & Disease’’

Internationella samarbetspartner

Professor Sophia Kathariou, North Carolina State University, USA

Todd Ward, United States Department of Agriculture, USA

S.B. Barbuddhe, National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Raipur Chattisgarh, India

Augusto Valencia Ramirez, Médico Patologo Clinico, Lima, Peru

Richard V. Goering, School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Semir Loncarevic, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Norway

Peter Gerner-Smidt, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA

Anne Kvistholm Jensen,  Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark


Nationella samarbetspartner

Håkan Ringberg, Smittskydd Skåne, Malmö

Öjar Melefors, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

Lena Sundqvist och Cecilia Jernberg, Smittskyddsinstitutet, Stockholm

Viveca Båverud, SVA, Uppsala

Ivar Vågsholm, BVF, SLU, Uppsala

Susanne Thisted-Lambertz, SLV, Uppsala


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Books |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Conference proceedings (editor) |  Daily newspapers |  Manuscripts |  Other |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys


Chapters in books

Conference papers

  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (2016). Is food hygiene a part of culinary arts and meal science?. In: Tobias Nygren, Agneta Yngve och Åsa Öström,  1st Granqvist Culinary Arts and Meal Science Symposium Programme and Abstracts. Paper presented at 1st Granqvist Culinary Arts and Meal Science Symposium, Grythyttan, 17-18 March, 2016. (pp. 28-28). Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
  • Lopez-Valladares, G. , Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (2016). Listeria monocytogenes: a threat to the health of restaurant guests. In: Tobias Nygren, Agneta Yngve och Åsa Öström,  1st Granqvist Culinary Arts and Meal Science Symposium Programme and Abstracts. Paper presented at 1st Granqvist Culinary Arts and Meal Science Symposium, Grythyttan, 18 March, 2016. (pp. 35-35). Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Lopez-Valladares, G. , Wennström, S. , Österlund, A. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2010). Appearance of two closely related variants of Listeria monocytogenes inblood from the same patient with invasive listeriosis. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louiuse Danielsson-Tham,  Second Sympsoium on Food Associated Pathogens. Paper presented at Second Sympsoium on Food Associated Pathogens. (pp. Abstr 29- Grythyttan: Restaurang- och hotellhögskolan – Grythytte Akademi. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2010). Listeria monoytogenes: a very food-borne bacterial species. In: Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham, Wilhelm Tham,  Second symposium on food associated pathogens. Paper presented at Second Symposium on Food Associated Pathogens, Grythyttan, Sweden, August 23-26, 2010. Grythyttan: Restaurang- och hotellhögskolan. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Lopez-Valladares, G. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2009). Humanisolat av Listeria monocytogenes under ett halvt sekel i Sverige. In: P. Jonsson, B. Larsson,  Veterinärkongressen 2009. Paper presented at Veterinärkongressen 2009. (pp. 91-92). [BibTeX]
  • Olsen, B. , Helmersson, S. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2004). Characterization of Swedish food and human isolates of Listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2c. In: Danielsson-Tham M-L, Than W och Ericsson Henrik,  ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of ListeriosisUppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. Paper presented at ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. (pp. Abstract no. 157- Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygienew, faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (2004). Listeria – insigths and reflections. In: Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham, Wilhelm Tham och Henrik Ericsson,  ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of ListeriosisUppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. Paper presented at ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. (pp. Abstract Nr. 151- Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU. [BibTeX]
  • Ingermaa, F. , Parihar, V. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Båverud, V. , Helmersson, S. & Tham, W. (2004). Sheep, humans and listeriosis. In: Danielsson-Tham M-L, Than W och Ericsson Henrik,  ISOPOL XV. XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis. Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. Paper presented at ISOPOL XV. XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis. Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. (pp. Abstract no. 129- Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. [BibTeX]
  • Parihar, V. , ingermaa, F. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Båverud, V. , Helmersson, S. & Tham, W. (2004). Zoonotic aspects of Listeria monocytogenes. In: Danielsson-Tham M-L, Than W och Ericsson Henrik,  ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. Paper presented at ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. (pp. Abstract no. 128- Uppsala: [BibTeX]
  • Hökeberg, I. , Andersson, Y. , Arneborn, M. , Carrique-Mas, J. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Eriksson, E. , Hedin, G. , Leffler, M. & et al. (2001). Det första kända utbrottet av gastrointestinal listerios i Sverige. Epidemiologi och klinik. In: Svenska Läkaresällskapet,  Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma. 28–30 november 2001 Program och sammanfattningar. Paper presented at Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Älvsjö, 28–30 november, 2001. (pp. 209-210). Stockholm: Svenska Läkarsällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. , Andersson, Y. , Arneborn, M. , Carrique-Mas, J. , Eriksson, E. , Hedin, G. , Hökeberg, I. , Leffler, M. & et al. (2001). Det första kända utbrottet av gastrointestinal listerios i Sverige: Veterinary Public Health-aspekter och laboratorieanalyser. In:  Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma 28–30 november 2001 program och sammanfattningar. Paper presented at Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm, Sweden, November 28-30, 2001. (pp. 209-210). Stockholm: Svenska Läkaresällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. & Tham, W. (2000). Fingerprinting of Listeria monocytogenes isolated in silos for raw whole milk of a dairy plant. In: Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham och Wilhelm Tham,  Nordic PFGE meeting. January 27–28, 2000. Collection of Abstracts, Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU, Uppsala. Paper presented at Nordic PFGE meeting. January 27–28, 2000. (pp. 28-28). Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Bannerman, E. , Bille, J. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Ericsson, H. , Helmersson, S. , Henriques, B. , Christina, J. & et al. (2000). Swedish human cases of Listeriosis, 1958–1999: Visulized by LEGO Bricks. In: Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham , Wilhelm Tham,  Nordic PFGE meeting January 27–28, 2000. Collection of abstracts. Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU, Uppsala. Paper presented at Nordic PFGE meeting January 27–28, 2000, Uppsala Sweden. (pp. 27-27). Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1999). Förståelse av listerios med hjälp av molekylärbiologiska tekniker. Paper presented at Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg, Sweden, November 24–26, 1998. (pp. 252-252). Stockholm: Svenska Läkaresällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Loncarevic, S. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Gustavsson, O. , Hörnfeldt, K. & Johansson, G. (1998). An outbreak of listeriosis suspected to have been caused by chinese cabbage. In: ISOPOL,  XIII International Sympsoium on problems of Listeriosis – PROGRAM AND ABSTRACTS. Paper presented at XIII International Sympsoium on problems of Listeriosis. JUNE 28–JULY 2, 1998, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (pp. 21-21). Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: ISOPOL. [BibTeX]
  • Loncarevic, S. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1998). Changes in serogroup distribution  among Listeria monocytogenes human isolates in Sweden. In: ISOPOL,  XIII International Symposium on Problems of LIsteriosis PROGRAM AND ABSTRACTS. Paper presented at XIII International Symposium on Problems of LIsteriosis. June 28–July 2, 1998 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (pp. 20-20). Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: ISOPOL. [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1998). Detection and characterisation of Listeria monocytogenes isolates in a Swedish dairy plant. In: Nordic Veterinary Congress,  XVIII Nordic Veterinary Congress Helsinki, 4th – 7th Augsut 1998. PROCEEDINGS. Paper presented at XVIII Nordic Veterinary Congress, 4th-7th August 1998, Helsinki, Finland. Helsinki: [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1998). Detection and characteristion of Listeria monocytogenes in a Swedish dairy plant. In:  XIII International Symposium of Problems of Listeriosis June 28–July 2, 1998 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Paper presented at XIII International Symposium of Problems of Listeriosis. June 28–July 2, 1998 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (pp. 36-36). Nova Scotia: ISOPOL. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Ericsson, H. , Loncarevic, S. & Unnerstad, H. (1997). Use of molecular techniques in the understanding of human listeriosis: Listeria monocytrogenes – a food-borne pathogen. In: A. Aspán; R.W.A.W. Mulder,  Pathogenic micro-organisms in poultry and eggs. 4. Development of monitoring procedures, rapid detection methods and techniques. Molecular Epidemiology of Campylobacter and Salmonela.. Paper presented at COST 97 Pathogenic micro-organisms in poultry and eggs, Uppsala, Sweden, April 23-26, 1997. (pp. 93-96). Uppsala: National Vetrerinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1997). Vadan och varthän med Listeria monocytogenes. In: Sveriges Veterinärförbund & Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sälllskap,  Veterinärmötet 1997. Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Veterinärmötet 1997. (pp. 112-115). [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Comparison of two methods for detection of Listeria monocytogenes in blue veined cheese. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6–8, 1996. (pp. 238-240). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Unnerstad, H. , Nilsson, I. , Ericsson, H. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Division of Listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2a strains into two groups by PCR and restraiction enzymne analysis. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 242-243). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Eklöw, A. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Ericsson, H. , Loncarevic, S. , Mentzing, L. , Persson, I. , Unnerstad, H. & Tham, W. (1996). Listeriosis in the province of Värmland: The first reported outbreak of food-borne listeriosis in Sweden. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6–8, 1996. (pp. 222-223). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1996). Programme Opening Ceremony: Food Associated Pathogens. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Unnerstad, H. , Bannerman, E. , Bille, J. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Tham, W. & Waak, E. (1996). Prolonged contamination of a dairy with Listeria monocytogenes. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 240-241). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Loncarevic, S. , Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1996). Serovars and genomic characteristics of cheese isolates of Listeria monocytogenes. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 241-242). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. , Loncarevic, S. & Tham, W. (1996). Serovars and genomic characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from raw milk cheese. Paper presented at Symposium on Bacteriological Quality of Raw Milk, Wolfpassing, Austria, March 13-15, 1996. (pp. 15-15). [BibTeX]
  • Eklöw, A. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Bannerman, E. , Bille, J. , Ericsson, H. , Jacquet, C. , Loncarevic, S. , Rocourt, J. & et al. (1996). Three important clones of Listeria monocytogenes. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 221-222). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1995). A case of food-borne listerios in Sweden and the significance of correct analyses of the food. In:  9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology abstracts of lectures and posters. Vol. II. Paper presented at 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Budapest, Hungary, July 30 – August 4, 1995. (pp. 159-159). Budapest, Hungary: The Hungarian Scientific Society for Food Industry. [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1995). Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in blue veined cheese. In:  Poster-sammanfattningar – Livsmedel 95. Paper presented at Livsmedel 95 – Livsmedelsforskardagarna, Uppsala, Sweden, October 18-19, 1995. (pp. MM8-MM8). Uppsala: [BibTeX]
  • Loncarevic, S. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1995). How to reveal all Listeria monocytogenes clones in food samples?. In:  Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on problems of listeriosis. Paper presented at XII International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Perth, Australia, October 2–6, 1995. (pp. 277-277). Canning Bridge, W.A.: Promaco Conventions. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. (1995). How to succeed with the isolation of relevant strains of Listeria monocytogenes. In:  IDF/ISO/AOAC International – Microbiological week 1995. Paper presented at IDF/ISO/AOAC International – Microbiological week 1995, Congress Center ’’Stain’’ Kalapothaki 2, Thessaloniki, Greece, March 7-11, 1995. (pp. 6-6). [BibTeX]
  • Ericsson, H. , Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1995). Listeria monocytogenes serovar 4b strains divided into two groups using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction enzyme analysis (REA). In:  Proceedings of the XII Interenational Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis. Paper presented at 12th International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Perth, Australia, October 2–6, 1995. (pp. 421-421). Canning Bridge: Promaco Conventions. [BibTeX]
  • Unnerstad, H. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Waak, E. & Tham, W. (1995). Prolonged contamination of a dairy with Listeria monocytogenes: Molecular typing  of strains. In:  Proceedings of the XII international symposium on problems of listeriosis. Paper presented at 12th International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Perth, Australia, October 2–6, 1995. (pp. 449-449). Canning Bridge: Promaco Conventions. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. , Bannerman, E. , Bille, J. , Ericsson, H. , Jacquet, C. , Loncarevic, S. , Rocourt, J. , Tham, W. & et al. (1995). The characterization of Swedish human Listeria monocygtogenes strains isolated 1958–1994. In:  Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis. Paper presented at 12th International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Perth, Australia, October 2–6, 1995. (pp. 469-469). Canning Bridge: Promaco Conventions. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Neaves, P. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1995). The search for Listeria monocytogenes. In: G.J. Arnold, P.S. Suthereland and E.A. Szabo,  Listeria methods workshop manual detection, identification and typing of Listeria monocytogenes in foods. Paper presented at XII International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XII), Perth, Australia, October 1-2, 1995. (pp. 21-24). [BibTeX]
  • Eklöw, A. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Tham, W. , Ericsson, H. , Loncarevic, S. & Unnerstad, H. (1995). Värmlandsutbrottet – det första listeriosutbrottet i Sverige där smittkällan identifierats. In:  Poster-sammanfattningar – Livsmedel 95, Uppsala. Paper presented at Livsmedel 95 – Livsmedelsforskardagarna, Uppsala, Sweden, October 18-19, 1995. (pp. MM13-MM13). Uppsala: [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Mårtensson, L. , Ringnér, Å. & Runehagen, A. (1994). A case of food-borne listeriosis in Sweden, 1993. In:  Proceedings and abstracts volume 1. Paper presented at XVII Nordic Veterinary Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 26–29, 1994. (pp. 82-82). Reykjavík: Icelandic Veterinary Association. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Mårtensson, L. , Ringnér, Å. & Runehagen, A. (1994). A case of food-brone listeriosis in Sweden, 1993. In:  XVII. Nordic Veterinary Congress Proceedings and abstracts – volume 1. Paper presented at XVII. Nordic Veterinary Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 26-29, 1994. (pp. 82-82). Reykjavik, Iceland: Icelandic Veterinary Association. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. (1993). Listeriosutbrott i Frankrike 1992. In: Johan Beck-Friis,  Allmänt veterinärmöte 1993, Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Allmänt veterinärmöte 1993. (pp. 182-183). [BibTeX]
  • Englund, L. , Bille, J. , Danielsson Tham, M. , Eld, K. , Gavier-Widén, D. , Rocourt, J. & Tham, W. (1992). A possible outbreak of listeriosis in a farmed herd of fallow deer (Dama dama). In: Peter Gerner-Smidt, ISOPOL,  Listeria 1992 The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XI). Paper presented at Listeria 1992, The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XI), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 11–14, 1992. (pp. 43-44). Copenhagen, Denmark: SSI. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. , Bille, J. , Brosch, R. , Buchrieser, C. , Persson, K. , Rocourt, J. , Schwarzkopf, A. , Tham, W. & et al. (1992). Characterization of Listeria strains isoplated from soft cheese. In: Peter Gerner-Smidt, ISOPOL,  Listeria 1992The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of ListeriosisISOPOL XIEigtved’s Pakhus – Copenhagen11–14 May 1992. Paper presented at The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis ISOPOL XI , Eigtved's Pakhus-Copenhagen, 11-14 May, 1992. (pp. 121-122). [BibTeX]
  • Eld, K. , Danielsson Tham, M. , Gunnarsson, A. & Tham, W. (1992). Comparison of a cold enrichment method and the IDF method for isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from animal autopsy material. In:  Listeria 1992 The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis: book of abstracts. Paper presented at The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL VI), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 11–14, 1992. (pp. 158-159). København: Statens Seruminstitut. [BibTeX]
  • Ericsson, H. , Danielsson Tham, M. , Stålhandske, P. & Tham, W. (1992). Subtypning av en i Sverige vanlig fagovar av Listeria monocytogenes. In: Lars Åke Pellborn,  Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma 25–27 november 1992 Program & sammanfattningar. Paper presented at Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Älvsjö, Sweden, November 25-27, 1992. (pp. 250-250). Stockholm: Svenska läkaresällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. & Danielsson Tham, M. (1991). Epdemiology of listeriosis in Sweden. In: Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology/International Union of Food Science and Technology,  8th World Congress of Food Science and Technology,Program and AbstractsToronto, Canada, September 29–October 4, 1991. Paper presented at 8th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Toronto, Canada, September 29–October 4, 1991. (pp. 226-226). [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Danielsson Tham, M. , Persson, K. & Ursing, J. (1991). Epidemiology of listeriosis in Sweden. In: ASEPT (Association sur l’Asepsie de Production), Editeur, Rue des Docteurs Calmette et Guérin, LAVAL CEDEX, FRANCE,  Compte-rendus de la Conference Internationale,Proceedings of the International Conference,Listeria et Sécurité AlimentaireListeria and Food Safety13–14 Juin/June 1991 – LAVAL – France. Paper presented at Listeria et Sécurité Alimentaire Listeria and Food Safety 13–14 Juin/June 1991 – LAVAL – France. (pp. 188-188). LAVAL CEDEX, FRANCE: [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Sörqvist, S. & Danielsson Tham, M. (1990). Myter och nyheter om listerios. In: Johan Beck-Friis,  Allmänt Veterinärmöte 1990 Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Allmänt Veterinärmöte 1990. (pp. 125-130). Stockholm: Sveriges veterinärförbund. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. , Jutell, I. & Tham, W. (1989). Why is listeriosis increasing among humans?. In: Länstyrelsen i Stockholms län,  Healthy Animals, Safe Foods, Healthy Man, World association of Veterinary Food Hygienists Xth (Jubilee) International Symposium in Stockholm 2-7 July 1989. Paper presented at World association of Veterinary Food Hygienists Xth (Jubilee) International Symposium in Stockholm 2-7 July 1989. (pp. 316-319). Stockholm: Länstyrelsen i Stockholms län. [BibTeX]

Conference proceedings (editor)

Daily newspapers


