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Tobias Axelsson

Tobias Axelsson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Email: dG9iaWFzLmF4ZWxzc29uO29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: +46 19 301269

Room: F2243

Tobias Axelsson

About Tobias Axelsson

Tobias Axelsson holds a PhD in Gender Studies. He works as senior lecturer in Civics/Social Science, and postdoctoral researcher in Gender Studies. His research interests are: 1) feminist perspectives on fatherhood, fathers, and fathering; 2) gender and parenting support; 3) gender and early childhoold education and care; 4) violence.


In 2021 and 2022, Axelsson works as postdoctoral researcher in the project RESISTIRÉ: Responding to Outbreaks through Co-creative Inclusive Equality Strategies (funded by the EU Horizon 2020). 

Axelsson defended his PhD thesis in gender studies, När män möts som pappor (When men meet as fathers), in 2019. It investigates the conditions of fathering during early childhood by exploring fathers' relations to other fathers in ’fathering spaces’: social services that are directed to fathers on parental leave. The thesis ends with an English summary.

Axelsson has been involved in international projects on men's parental leave. He has written a report on parental leave policies in Sweden and Germany for 'The EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality' (2018), and a report on men's parental leave in Sweden for the Austrian project 'Paternity leave: Impacts on male careers' (2014).

Axelsson has co-authored two articles on men's attitudes towards female genital mutilation: the first paper is focused on health; the second paper focuses on violence and intersectionality.


Axelsson teaches mainly at the teacher education programme.


Articles in journals |  Articles, book reviews |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, monographs |  Other |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, book reviews

Chapters in books

Conference papers

  • Axelsson, T. (2011). 'Fathers' Spaces': Making Room for Fathering Between Care and Privileges. In: Alp Biricik & Jeff Hearn,  GEXcel Work in Progress Report Volume XV. Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 9: Gendered Sexualed Transnationalisations, Deconstructing the Dominant: Transforming men, "centres" and knowledge/policy/practice. Paper presented at Men and Masculinities Moving On Again! Transnationalising Flows, Technologies, Institutions, Theory. (pp. 67-78). Linköping/Örebro: [BibTeX]

Doctoral theses, monographs

