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Sverre Wide

Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Email: c3ZlcnJlLndpZGU7b3J1LnNl

Phone: No number available

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Sverre Wide
Research subject

About Sverre Wide

Sverre Wide's main research focus lies on the relation between sociality and thinking, and he tries to develop what he calls a socio-logic. He is keenly interested in the nature of causality and pursues work on the nature of higher education. He teaches sociology and is affiliated to the Örebro University Centre for Academic Development. During the period 2014-2016, he served as the editor in chief for the journal Sociologisk Forskning, and he has refereed for several journals. Currently Wide is secretary to the Nordic Sociological Association. He comments politics and culture for the Swedish daily Dalademokraten.


Articles in journals |  Articles, book reviews |  Chapters in books |  Collections (editor) |  Daily newspapers |  Doctoral theses, monographs | 

Articles in journals

Articles, book reviews

Chapters in books

Collections (editor)

Daily newspapers

Doctoral theses, monographs