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Sofia Skröder

Sofia Skröder Position: Doctoral Student, Lecturer School/office: School of Medical Sciences

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Sofia Skröder
Research subject

About Sofia Skröder

Registered biomedical scientist. Doctoral education started February 2023 in the project "Prediction, diagnostics, and impact of atrial fibrillation in atherosclerotic disease". Master of Science was aquired in February 2021 with course requirements from Karolinska Insitute, University of Gävle, and Örebro University with a focus on cardiovascular diagnostics.

Sofia has permanent employment in Region Värmland at the Clinical Research Support unit assisting clinical research with start-up, data collection, research administration, and biobanking. Doctoral education is being conducted at Institution for medical sciences.

In the PhD projects, Sofia is focusing on prediction, diagnostics, and impact of atrial fibrillation in atherosclerotic disease manifested as coronary artery disease, carotid stenosis, intermittent claudication, and critical limb ischemia in two multicentre studies and one registry-based study. Biomarkers in blood and electrophysiological biomarkers on 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is to be collected 3 and 5 years after vascular surgery to search for potential early markers of atrial fibrillation. The aim is to be able to predict development of the arrhythmia to be able to initiate primary preventive treatment to reduce and minimize related health consequences such as ischemic stroke, cardiovascular morbidity, and premature mortality and with that increase quality of life for affected individuals.

The PhD project also aims to validate an automatic interpretation algorithm for AF detection in subjects with coronary artery disease after coronary revascularization and to study treatment patterns and progression of disease in patients with intermittent claudication and critical limb ischemia.


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Articles in journals