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Siri Jakobsson Störe

Siri Jakobsson Störe Position: Postdoctoral Researcher School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

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Room: L2446

Siri Jakobsson Störe
Research subject Research environments

About Siri Jakobsson Störe


Ongoing research:

* Development, feasibility, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of an online ACT intervention for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (iACTforDGBI). 

* NeuroACT skills training for adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders.

* Reduced working hours (4 Day Week)

Publications after the doctoral thesis:

* Andersson, C.*, Støre, S. J.*, Säldebjer, H., Gunnarsson, M., Bergsten, K. L., & Osika, W. (2025). Compassionate mind training for university students - A randomized controlled trial. Acta Psychologica, 252, 104678.  Shared first authorship.

* Berglund. S.*, Danielsson, A. A.*, Støre, S. J.*, Carreiras, D., Carvalho, S., Storm, M., Pinto, H., Palmeira, L., Pereira, M., & Trindade, I. (in press). Illness stigma and shame in people with chronic illnesses vs. SARS-CoV-2 survivors: Associations with psychological distress through psychological flexibility and self-compassion. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 31, e70009. * Shared first authorship. 

* Hassler, S., Støre, S. J., Persson, L., & Beckman, L. (2024). Children's and adolescents' views of health and mental health concepts - A qualitative group interview study. BMC Public Health, 24, 2506.

* Støre, S. J., Van Zalk, N., Schwartz, W. G., Nilsson, V., & TIllfors, M. (2024). The relationship between social anxiety disorder and ADHD in adolescents and adults - A systematic review. Journal of Attention Disorders, 28(9), 1299-1319.

Additional publications during doctoral studies:

Støre, S. J. (2022). Swedish Internet forum users' views and experiences of melatonin treatments for troubled sleep. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, 8(2), 225-229.

Støre, S. J., Norell-Clarke, A., & Jakobsson, N. (2022). Sleep researchers' rankings of sleep journals. Journal of Sleep Research, 32(3), e13756.

Støre, S. J., & Jakobsson, N. (2022). The effect of mandala coloring on state anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 39(4), 173-181.

Research grants:

* DHINO - Digital Health Innovation: Digital screening of ADHD in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP). Principal applicant: Charlotte Bäccman. Fellow applicants: Siri Jakobsson Støre. Decision: 185 518 (2025-2026).

* Clinical research in collaboration (Region Värmland): Evaluation of SMS coaching as a complement to an existing lifestyle change program in digital primary care. Principal applicant: Charlotte Bäccman. Fellow applicants: Siri Jakobsson Støre (15%), Maria Tillfors, Erik Wästlund, Karin Jacobsson, Joanna Lech och Ulrika Persson (2025). Decision: 1 000 000 SEK (2025).

* Research grant from the Swedish Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (SFSS): NeuroACT skills training for adolescents with neuropsychiatric disabilities and sleep difficulties. Principal applicant: Siri Jakobsson Støre. Fellow applicants: Jenny Lönnström. Decision: 25 000 SEK (2024).

Clinical research in collaboration (Region Värmland): Evaluation of existing interventions for lifestyle change and implementation of SMS coaching in digital primary care. Principal applicant: Charlotte Bäccman. Fellow applicants: Erik Wästlund, Maria Tillfors, Malin Anniko, Siri Jakobsson Störe (20%), Lisa Berg and Ulrika Persson. Decision: 500 000 SEK (2024).

Regional Research Council Mid Sweden (RFR): Investigation and treatment of sleep disturbances in children with autism and intellectual disabilities. Principal applicant: Sverre Wikström. Fellow applicants: Maria Unenge Hallerbäck, Maria Marinopoulou, Kristoffer Bothelius, Siri Jakobsson Störe and Agneta Markström. Decision: 250 000 SEK (2024).

Clinical research in collaboration (Region Värmland): An evaluation of group Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (RFCBT) for insomnia in adults. Principal applicant: Malin Anniko. Fellow applicants: Maria Tillfors, Annika Norell Clarke, Siri Jakobsson Störe (10%), Oskar Eriksson and Elin Wejrum. Decision: 772 000 SEK (2023) and 792 269 (2024).

* Travel grant from the Swedish Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (SFSS): 5000 SEK (2023).


Conference presentations:

* The Swedish Conference of Clinical Psychology 2024: Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy in Adults with Insomnia; Stuck in Mind: Experiences of Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Primary Care for Insomnia.

* 38th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) 2024: SMS-coaching in a lifestyle change program within digital primary healthcare 

* 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP) 2024: A scoping review and a theoretical framework of hope, travel behavior, and well-being.

* IBS Days 2024: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction: Development of a personalized intervention for adults with DGBI and psychological distress.

Sömn och Hälsa [Sleep and Health] 2024: Sleepless in cyberspace - Online sleep advice for insomnia symptoms.

Swedish Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine's (SFSS) congress 2023: (1) Organizing committee; (2) Presentation: Sleep researchers' rankings of sleep journals; (3) Moderator: Free lectures with presentation of abstract.

Sömn och Hälsa [Sleep and Health] 2022: Flashback-användares erfarenheter av melatonin [Swedish Internet forum users' experiences of melatonin treatments].

American Art Therapy Association's 52nd Annual Conference 2021: The Effect of Mandala Coloring on State Anxiety.

Popular science:

 * Värmlands bokfestival (9 November 2024): Hur ser barn och unga på hälsa och stresshantering? [How do children and adolescents view health and coping?]

* PsyPost interview (5 July 2024): Here is why social anxiety and ADHD comorbidity requires special attention.

* Systematisk överssiktsstudie visar på hög förekomst av samsjuklig social ångest och ADHD hos ungdomar och vuxna (30 april 2024). [A systematic review shows a high prevalence of co-occurring social anxiety and ADHD in adolescents and adult].

Støre, S. J. (2022). Flashback-användares erfarenheter av melatoninbehandling för sömnproblem. Sömn och Hälsa, 7, 33-37. [Swedish Internet forum users' experiences of melatonin treatments for sleep problems].

Värmlands bokfestival (19 November 2022): Tonåringars sömn - vanor, ovanor, orsaker och konsekvenser. [Teenagers' sleep habits, causes and consequences].

Book chapters:

* Norell, A., Støre, S. J., & Tillfors, M. (2023). Psykisk ohälsa. In P. Garmy, L. Gellerstedt, A. Hellström, A. Norell, & C. Sandlund (Eds.). Sömn vid hälsa och ohälsa. Studentlitteratur. [Swedish]


Publications as part of the doctoral thesis:

* Støre, S. J. (2024). Lean, mean sleep machine? Effects and experiences of a sleep robot intervention for adults with insomnia. Doctoral thesis, Karlstad University, Sweden.

Støre, S. J., Tillfors, M., Angelhoff, C., & Norell-Clarke, A. (2023). A robot intervention for adults with ADHD and insomnia - A mixed-method proof-of-concept study. PLoS ONE, 18(9), e0290984.

Støre, S. J., Tillfors, M., Wästlund, E., Angelhoff, C., Andersson, G., & Norell, A. (2023). Mind, body and machine: Preliminary study to explore predictors of treatment response after a sleep robot intervention for adults with insomnia. Nature and Science of Sleep, 15, 567-577.

Støre, S. J., Tillfors, M., Wästlund, E., Angelhoff, A., Andersson, G., & Norell-Clarke, A. (2022). The effects of a sleep robot intervention on sleep, depression and anxiety in adults with insomnia – A randomized waitlist-controlled trialJournal of Sleep Research, 32(3), e13758.

Støre, S. J., Tillfors, M., Wästlund, E., Angelhoff, A., & Norell Clarke, A. (2022). Technically sleeping? A clinical single-case study of a commercial sleep robotFrontiers in Psychology, 13, 919023.

Støre, S. J., Beckman, L., & Jakobsson, N. (2022). The effect of robot interventions on sleep in adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysisJournal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 18(7), 1877-1884.

Støre, S. J., Tillfors, M., Wästlund, E., Angelhoff, C., Andersson, G., & Norell-Clarke, A. (2021). The effects of a sleep robot intervention on sleep, depression and anxiety in adults with insomnia - Study protocol of a randomized waitlist-controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 110, 106588.

Conference presentations:

* Nordic Sleep Conference 2023: A robot intervention for adults with ADHD and insomnia - A mixed-methods pilot study.

Sömn och Hälsa [Sleep and Health] 2023: (1) Organizing committee; (2) A robot intervention for adults with adhd and insomnia; (3) Presentation: The effects of a sleep robot intervention in adults with insomnia.

Sömn och Hälsa [Sleep and Health] 2022: Best poster award: The effect of robot interventions on sleep: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.

Swedish Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine's (SFSS) congress 2022: Presentation (session for young scientists): The effects of a sleep robot intervention on sleep, depression and anxiety in adults with insomnia - A randomized waitlist-controlled trial.

World Sleep 2022: The effects of a sleep robot intervention in adults with insomnia. Abstract published in Sleep Medicine, 100(Supplement 1), S304.

Popular science (selected):

* Støre, S. J. (2024). Effekter och erfarenheter av en sömnrobotintervention för vuxna med insomni. Sömn och Hälsa, 11, 17-25. [Swedish]

* Meet a researcher (19 April 2023): Sömnrobotar - Funkar de och vad tycker folk om dem? [Sleep robots - Do they work, and what do people think about them?]

PsyPost interview (6 December 2022): New study explores effects of a sleep robot on sleep problems, depression and anxiety in adults.

Støre, S. J. (2022). Effekten av robot-interventioner på sömn – en systematisk översiktSömn och Hälsa, 8, 43-50. [Swedish]

Children's University, Karlstad, Sweden (11 October 2021): Kan en sömnrobot hjälpa den som har svårt att sova? [Can a sleep robot help people who have troubled sleep?]


Publications preceding the doctoral thesis:

* Jakobsson, N., Kotsadam, A., & Jakobsson, S. S. (2013). Attitudes toward same-sex marriage: the case of ScandinaviaJournal of Homosexuality, 60(9), 1349-1360. 
Book chapters:

* Jakobsson, N., Hansen, T., & Jakobsson, S. S. (2013). Omfang av offentlig omsorg i kommunen - påvirker det holdninger og faktisk familieomsorg? I S. O. Datland & Slagvold (reds.). Vital aldring og samhold mellom generasjoner. Resultater fra Den norske studien av livsløp, aldring og generasjon (NorLAG) - runde 1 og 2. NOVA Rapport 15/2013, 245-257. [Norwegian]

Research groups


Articles in journals | 

Articles in journals