Sean Reed
Sean Reed Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Science and TechnologyEmail: c2Vhbi5yZWVkO29ydS5zZQ==
Phone: No number available
Room: -

About Sean Reed
Sean specialises in research in the areas of reliability engineering and discrete event simulation modelling, developing models and techniques to analyse the performance of complex systems and processes.
His current research focus is the development and applications of digital twin models that use data from sensors, and other sources, to replicate the state of real world systems in computer code and predict their future performance, including reliability and availability. He is also interested in the development and application of statistical and logical methods, such as binary decision diagrams and survival signatures, to analyse the reliabilitity of systems such as aircraft and networks.
He currently teaches the RAMS modelling of system and processes course and the use of discrete event simulation in the Sustainable Production course.
He obtained masters and PhD degrees in aeronautical engineering from Loughborough University in the UK. Before joining Örebro University in 2020, he worked for since 2009 as a research fellow within the Resilience Engineering Research Group at the University of Nottingham in the UK.
Research projects
Active projects
Completed projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Reed, S. , Löfstrand, M. & Andrews, J. (2022). Modelling stochastic behaviour in simulation digital twins through neural nets. Journal of Simulation, 16 (5), 512-525. [BibTeX]
- Reed, S. , Löfstrand, M. & Andrews, J. (2021). Modelling cycle for simulation digital twins. Manufacturing Letters, 28, 54-58. [BibTeX]
- Reed, S. , Löfstrand, M. & Andrews, J. (2019). An efficient algorithm for computing exact system and survival signatures of K-terminal network reliability. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 185, 429-439. [BibTeX]
- Reed, S. , Karlberg, M. , Kyösti, P. & Sas, D. (2018). Quantified economic and environmental values through Functional Productization: A simulation approach. Environmental impact assessment review, 70, 71-80. [BibTeX]
- Reed, S. (2017). An efficient algorithm for exact computation of system and survival signatures using binary decision diagrams. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 165, 257-267. [BibTeX]
- Reed, S. , Remenyte-Prescott, R. & Rees, B. (2017). Effect of venepuncture process design on efficiency and failure rates: a simulation model study for secondary care. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 68, 73-82. [BibTeX]
- Zhang, Y. , Andrews, J. , Reed, S. & Karlberg, M. (2017). Maintenance processes modelling and optimisation. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 168, 150-160. [BibTeX]
- Kyösti, P. & Reed, S. (2015). Prediction of service support costs for functional products. Simulation modelling practice and theory, 59, 52-70. [BibTeX]
- Löfstrand, M. , Kyösti, P. , Reed, S. & Backe, B. (2014). Evaluating availability of functional products through simulation. Simulation modelling practice and theory, 47, 196-209. [BibTeX]
- Löfstrand, M. , Backe, B. , Kyösti, P. , Lindström, J. & Reed, S. (2012). A model for predicting and monitoring industrial system availability. International Journal of Product Development, 16 (2), 140-157. [BibTeX]
- Löfstrand, M. , Reed, S. , Karlberg, M. , Andrews, J. , Karlsson, L. & Dunnett, S. (2012). Modelling and simulation of functional product system availability and support costs. International Journal of Product Development, 16 (3-4), 304-325. [BibTeX]
- Reed, S. , Andrews, J. D. & Dunnett, S. J. (2011). Improved efficiency in the analysis of phased mission systems with multiple failure mode components. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 60 (1), 70-79. [BibTeX]
- Prescott, D. R. , Remenyte-Prescott, R. , Reed, S. , Andrews, J. D. & Downes, C. G. (2009). A reliability analysis method using binary decision diagrams in phased mission planning. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability, 223 (2), 133-143. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Reed, S. & Löfstrand, M. (2024). Efficient Estimation of Survival Signatures through Simulation with Depth-First Search of Indices. In: Krzysztof Kołowrocki, Ewa Dabrowska, Advances in Reliability, Safety and Security ESREL 2024 Contributions. Part 4. Simulation Based Methods for Reliability, Safety and Security & Risk and Reliability Assessment and Management. Paper presented at 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2024), Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, June 23-27, 2024. (pp. 193-202). Polish Safety and Reliability Association. [BibTeX]
- Reed, S. & Löfstrand, M. (2022). Discrete Event Simulation Using Distributional Random Forests to Model Event Outcomes. Paper presented at Winter Simulation Conference, Singapore, December 11-14, 2022. IEEE Press. [BibTeX]
- Sas, D. , Kyösti, P. , Karlberg, M. & Reed, S. (2017). Toward an improved strategy for functional product development by predicting environmental and economic sustainability. In: Rajkumar Roy; Tetsuo Tomiyama; Ashutosh Tiwari; Kirsten Tracht; Essam Shehab; Jörn Mehnen; John Ahmet Erkoyuncu; Nikolaos Tapoglou, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services Cranfield University, 1st and 2nd November 2016. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Through-Life Engineering Services (TESConf 2016), Cranfield, England, November 1-2, 2016. (pp. 208-213). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Kyösti, P. , Reed, S. & Sjödin, S. (2014). A decision support tool for optimising support site configuration of Functional Products. In: Rajkumar Roy; Tetsuo Tomiyama; Ashutosh Tiwari; Kirsten Tracht; Essam Shahab; Andy Shaw, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services. Paper presented at 3rd International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services, Cranfield, United Kingdom, November 4-5, 2014. (pp. 175-180). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Lindström, J. , Löfstrand, M. , Reed, S. & Alzghoul, A. (2014). Use of cloud services in functional products: availability implications. In: Hoda ElMaraghy, Product Services Systems and Value Creation Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems. Paper presented at 6th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems, Windsor, Canada, May 1-2, 2014. (pp. 368-372). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Reed, S. , Löfstrand, M. , Karlsson, L. & Andrews, J. (2013). Service support system modelling language for simulation-driven development of functional products. In: Rajkumar Roy, Ashutosh Tiwari, Andy Shaw, Colin Bell and Paul Phillips, 2nd International Through-life Engineering Services Conference. Paper presented at 2nd International Through-Life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf), Cranfield Univ., Cranfield, England, November 5-6, 2013. (pp. 420-424). Elsevier. [BibTeX]