Ravi Chadalavada
Ravi Chadalavada Position: Innovation Advisor School/office: Örebro University Holding ABEmail: cmF2aS5jaGFkYWxhdmFkYTtvcnVob2xkaW5nLnNl
Phone: +46 19 303974
Room: IA 2016
About Ravi Chadalavada
I’m a Ph.D. candidate working onbi-directional intention communication in Human-Robot Interaction. While doing my M.Sc. in Systems Control and Mechatronics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, I moved to Mobile Robotics and Olfaction Lab in end of 2015 to pursue my Master’s thesis in HRI and thereafter started my Ph.D. The primary focus of my work is on developing techniques to optimize the interaction between robots and humans in a synergetic manner especially targeting industrial logistics.
I'm currently also working on projects QT-PIE and DASH, which are spin-off's from my Ph.D. research. We are developing intelligent driving assessment technology to objectively measure driving skills, so that, the learning, teaching, and examination of driving skills can be customized for optimal performance. One of the key application areas for this technology is in healthcare, which is currently being investigated in the form of a pilot project called DASH (Semantic eye tracking for driving assessment in healthcare).
To know more about the Dash project: https://www.oru.se/samverkan/innovation-och-ideutveckling/ai-impact-lab/pagaende-projekt/dash/
My recent interviews
Sverigesradio: https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/ravi-mater-ogonrorelser-for-att-se-vem-som-ska-fa-kora-bil
SVT: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/orebro/doktoranden-ravi-lakare-kan-ge-ai-glasogon-pa-recept
If you would like to get in touch with me about my research, please send me an email.
Research projects
Completed projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Molina, S. , Mannucci, A. , Magnusson, M. , Adolfsson, D. , Andreasson, H. , Hamad, M. , Abdolshah, S. , Chadalavada, R. T. & et al. (2023). The ILIAD Safety Stack: Human-Aware Infrastructure-Free Navigation of Industrial Mobile Robots. IEEE robotics & automation magazine. [BibTeX]
- Chadalavada, R. T. , Andreasson, H. , Schindler, M. , Palm, R. & Lilienthal, A. J. (2020). Bi-directional navigation intent communication using spatial augmented reality and eye-tracking glasses for improved safety in human-robot interaction. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 61. [BibTeX]
- Rudenko, A. , Kucner, T. P. , Swaminathan, C. S. , Chadalavada, R. T. , Arras, K. O. & Lilienthal, A. J. (2020). THÖR: Human-Robot Navigation Data Collection and Accurate Motion Trajectories Dataset. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5 (2), 676-682. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Palm, R. , Chadalavada, R. T. & Lilienthal, A. (2019). Fuzzy Modeling, Control and Prediction in Human-Robot Systems. In: Juan Julian Merelo, Fernando Melício José M. Cadenas, António Dourado, Kurosh Madani, António Ruano, Joaquim Filipe, Computational Intelligence: International Joint Conference, IJCCI2016 Porto, Portugal, November 9–11,2016 Revised Selected Papers (pp. 149-177). Switzerland: Springer Publishing Company. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Schreiter, T. , Morillo-Mendez, L. , Chadalavada, R. T. , Rudenko, A. , Billing, E. , Magnusson, M. , Arras, K. O. & Lilienthal, A. J. (2023). Advantages of Multimodal versus Verbal-Only Robot-to-Human Communication with an Anthropomorphic Robotic Mock Driver. In: 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) Proceedings. Paper presented at 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Busan, South Korea, August 28-31, 2023. (pp. 293-300). IEEE. [BibTeX]
- Schreiter, T. , Morillo-Mendez, L. , Chadalavada, R. T. , Rudenko, A. , Billing, E. A. & Lilienthal, A. J. (2022). The Effect of Anthropomorphism on Trust in an Industrial Human-Robot Interaction. In: SCRITA Workshop Proceedings (arXiv:2208.11090). Paper presented at 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication, Naples, Italy, August 29 - September 2, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Rudenko, A. , Kucner, T. P. , Swaminathan, C. S. , Chadalavada, R. T. , Arras, K. O. & Lilienthal, A. (2020). Benchmarking Human Motion Prediction Methods. Paper presented at HRI 2020, Workshop on Test Methods and Metrics for Effective HRI in Real World Human-Robot Teams, Cambridge, UK,(Conference cancelled). [BibTeX]
- Chadalavada, R. T. , Andreasson, H. , Schindler, M. & Lilienthal, A. J. (2019). Implicit intention transference using eye-tracking glasses for improved safety in human-robot interaction. Paper presented at International Conference on Social Robotics - Quality of Interaction in Socially Assistive Robots Workshop, Madrid, Spain, November 26th-29th, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Chadalavada, R. T. , Andreasson, H. , Schindler, M. , Palm, R. & Lilienthal, A. (2018). Accessing your navigation plans! Human-Robot Intention Transfer using Eye-Tracking Glasses. In: Case K. &Thorvald P., Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXII Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 33rd National Conference on Manufacturing Research, September 11–13, 2018, University of Skövde, Sweden. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 33rd National Conference on Manufacturing Research, University of Skövde, Sweden, September 11–13, 2018. (pp. 253-258). Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press. [BibTeX]
- Schindler, M. , Lilienthal, A. , Chadalavada, R. & Ögren, M. (2016). Creativity in the eye of the student: Refining investigations of mathematical creativity using eye-tracking goggles. In: C. Csíkos, A. Rausch, & J. Szitányi, Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). Paper presented at 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 40), Szeged, Hungary, August 3-7, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Chadalavada, R. T. , Andreasson, H. , Krug, R. & Lilienthal, A. (2016). Empirical evaluation of human trust in an expressive mobile robot. In: Proceedings of RSS Workshop "Social Trust in Autonomous Robots 2016". Paper presented at RSS Workshop "Social Trust in Autonomous Robots 2016", June 19, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Palm, R. , Chadalavada, R. & Lilienthal, A. (2016). Fuzzy Modeling and Control for Intention Recognition in Human-Robot Systems. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2016). Paper presented at 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence IJCCI 2016, FCTA, Porto, Portugal, November 9-11, 2016. (pp. 67-74). Setúbal, Portugal: SciTePress. [BibTeX]
- Palm, R. , Chadalavada, R. & Lilienthal, A. (2016). Recognition of Human-Robot Motion Intentions by Trajectory Observation. In: 2016 9th International Conference on Human System Interactions, HSI 2016 Proceedings. Paper presented at The 9th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI2016), Portsmouth, UK, July 6-8, 2016. (pp. 229-235). New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [BibTeX]
- Bunz, E. , Chadalavada, R. T. , Andreasson, H. , Krug, R. , Schindler, M. & Lilienthal, A. (2016). Spatial Augmented Reality and Eye Tracking for Evaluating Human Robot Interaction. In: Proceedings of RO-MAN 2016 Workshop Workshop on Communicating Intentions in Human-Robot Interaction. Paper presented at RO-MAN 2016 Workshop: Workshop on Communicating Intentions in Human-Robot Interaction, New York, USA, Aug 31, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Chadalavada, R. T. , Andreasson, H. , Krug, R. & Lilienthal, A. (2015). That’s on my Mind!: Robot to Human Intention Communication through on-board Projection on Shared Floor Space. In: 2015 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR). Paper presented at 7th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Lincoln, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, September 2-4, 2015. New York: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]