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Pedro Scofano de Almeida

Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Email: cGVkcm8uc2NvZmFuby1kZS1hbG1laWRhO29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: +46 19 303156

Room: F3125

Pedro Scofano de Almeida

About Pedro Scofano de Almeida

Pedro Scofano de Almeida is a PhD student in Media and Communication Studies at Örebro University, Sweden. He holds a master’s degree in Cinema Studies from Stockholm University and a bachelor’s degree in Cinema and Audiovisual Studies from the Fluminense Federal University, Brazil. His research interests focus specifically on identifying and understanding the mediations between film, history, and political-economic interests. Prior to coming to Örebro, Pedro worked as a film and video editor; he holds a Diploma in Film Editing from the International School of Film and TV, Cuba.