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Paolo Forte

Position: Doctoral Student, Marie Curie School/office: School of Science and Technology

Email: cGFvbG8uZm9ydGU7b3J1LnNl

Phone: No number available

Room: T1219

Paolo Forte

About Paolo Forte


I am currently a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at the Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems. I got a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Calabria(UNICAL), Rende, Italy. My Bachelor’s thesis was focused on the analysis of innovative engines for airspace vehicles.

Upon completion of my bachelors, I moved to Pisa for my Masters. I am a graduate of Robotics and Automation Engineering at Università di Pisa (Italy). My master thesis was focused on developing an algorithm for Optimal Task Assignment in fleets of mobile robots, and explores issues related to the integration of (symbolic) AI search methods with (continuous) robot planning and coordination methods and it was carried out at Örebro University as an exchange student.

Through my degree courses, I have had the opportunity to develop my interest in robotics, improving my skills in mechanics and software design during my bachelor’s degree, and in control and development of different kinds of robots during my master’s degree. I have gained some experience with different software (e.g. MATLAB, ROS, ...) . I have developed  my skills working with other people, mainly through three projects that required teamwork: the design and control of a 3 d.o.f arm robot from scratch; the development of a neural network that was able to recognize mass and calcification in mammographies; and finally a control system for a UAV.

My Ph.D. research topic is focused on material flow coordination and optimization in construction sites. More information can be found on the MORE website.