Maximilian Peter Forssten
Maximilian Peter Forssten Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Medical SciencesEmail: bWF4aW1pbGlhbi5mb3Jzc3RlbjtvcnUuc2U=
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About Maximilian Peter Forssten
Dr. Forssten graduated medical school at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden (2020). After working as a junior doctor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, he undertook a joint research and medical internship at Orebro University Hospital (2020). Upon completion, Dr. Forssten accepted a position as a resident in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Orebro University Hospital (2022).
Dr. Forssten is currently enrolled as a PhD-student in surgical sciences at Orebro University where he is researching preoperative risk assessment and the role of frailty in the management of hip fracture patients under Associate Professor Shahin Mohseni.
Articles in journals
- Forssten, M. P. , Coimbra, B. , Matecki, M. , Godshall, S. , Cao, Y. , Mohseni, S. & Sarani, B. (2025). The MangLE score: A novel simple tool to identify patients who are unlikely to require amputation following severe lower extremity injury. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 98 (1), 160-166. [BibTeX]
- Borg, T. , Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Cao, Y. & Mohseni, S. (2025). Trochanteric hip fractures treated surgically-outcome in a ten-year cohort of 46,121 patients from the Swedish National Hip Fracture Registry. OTA international : the open access journal of orthopaedic trauma, 8 (1). [BibTeX]
- Mohammad Ismail, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Hildebrand, F. , Sarani, B. , Ioannidis, I. , Cao, Y. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Cardiac risk stratification and adverse outcomes in surgically managed patients with isolated traumatic spine injuries. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 50 (2), 523-530. [BibTeX]
- Martínez Casas, I. , Perea Del Pozo, E. , Forssten, M. P. , Durán Muñoz-Cruzado, V. , Mohseni, S. , Bass, G. A. , SnapAppy Steering Committee, -. , Study PPI, -. & et al. (2024). Challenges in managing acute appendicitis differ across Europe: patient and system-level insights from observational cohort study data comparing two European countries. Current problems in surgery, 61 (11). [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Tennakoon, L. , Spain, D. A. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Frailty Scores for Predicting Adverse Outcomes in Hip Fracture Patients: Insights from the United States National Inpatient Sample. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 14 (6). [BibTeX]
- Rauh, J. L. , Neff, L. P. , Forssten, M. P. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Contemporary management and outcomes of blunt traumatic American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Organ Injury Scale grades III and IV pancreatic injuries in children: A Trauma Quality Improvement Program analysis. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 97 (3), 365-370. [BibTeX]
- Mohseni, S. , Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Cao, Y. , Hildebrand, F. , Sarani, B. & Ribeiro, M. A. (2024). Investigating the link between frailty and outcomes in geriatric patients with isolated rib fractures. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 9 (1). [BibTeX]
- Mohammad Ismail, A. , Hildebrand, F. , Forssten, M. P. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. , Chang, P. , Cao, Y. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Orthopedic Frailty Score and adverse outcomes in patients with surgically managed isolated traumatic spinal injury. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 9 (1). [BibTeX]
- Mohammad Ismail, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Ioannidis, I. , Forssten, S. P. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Predicting morbidity and mortality after surgery for isolated traumatic spinal injury without spinal cord injury. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 98 (3), 476-484. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ioannidis, I. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. , Cao, Y. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Prioritizing patients for hip fracture surgery: the role of frailty and cardiac risk. Frontiers in Surgery, 11. [BibTeX]
- Trivedi, D. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Czeiter, E. , Amrein, K. , Kobeissy, F. , Wang, K. K. W. & et al. (2024). Screening Performance of S100 Calcium-Binding Protein B, Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, and Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1 for Intracranial Injury Within Six Hours of Injury and Beyond. Journal of Neurotrauma, 41 (3-4), 349-358. [BibTeX]
- Mohammad Ismail, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Sarani, B. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. , Chang, P. , Cao, Y. , Hildebrand, F. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Sex disparities in adverse outcomes after surgically managed isolated traumatic spinal injury. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 50 (1), 149-155. [BibTeX]
- Kartiko, S. , Forssten, M. P. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. , Cao, Y. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Surgical stabilization of rib fractures-Does race matter?. Surgery, 176 (6), 1761-1765. [BibTeX]
- Gomez, M. , Wood, E. , Saxena, J. , Neff, L. P. , Forssten, M. P. , Johnson, A. , Williams, T. K. , Ribeiro, M. & et al. (2024). The Fog has not Lifted: No Reduction in Complications for Partial REBOA in the AAST AORTA Registry. Journal of Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management, 8 (2), 49-57. [BibTeX]
- Ioannidis, I. , Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Cao, Y. , Tennakoon, L. , Spain, D. A. & Mohseni, S. (2024). The relationship and predictive value of dementia and frailty for mortality in patients with surgically managed hip fractures. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 50 (2), 339-345. [BibTeX]
- Zwemer, C. H. , Mohseni, S. , Forssten, M. P. , Malyavko, A. , Zebley, J. A. , Qaddumi, W. N. , Cornejo, M. , Sarani, B. & et al. (2024). The relationship of ADHD and trauma mortality: An NTDB analysis. Trauma, 26 (3), 234-240. [BibTeX]
- Forrester, J. D. , Sarani, B. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Hildebrand, F. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. & Mohseni, S. (2024). Time to surgical stabilization of rib fractures: does it impact outcomes?. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 9 (1). [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ioannidis, I. , Wretenberg, P. , Borg, T. , Cao, Y. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. & Mohseni, S. (2023). A nationwide analysis on the interaction between frailty and beta-blocker therapy in hip fracture patients. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49 (3), 1485-1497. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Sarani, B. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Cao, Y. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. , Hildebrand, F. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Adverse outcomes following pelvic fracture: the critical role of frailty. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49 (6), 2623-2631. [BibTeX]
- Bass, G. A. , Mohseni, S. , Ryan, É. J. , Forssten, M. P. , Tolonen, M. , Cao, Y. , Kaplan, L. J. & ESTES SnapAppy Group, -. (2023). Clinical practice selectively follows acute appendicitis guidelines. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49 (1), 45-56. [BibTeX]
- Cao, Y. , Forssten, M. P. , Sarani, B. , Montgomery, S. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Development and Validation of an XGBoost-Algorithm-Powered Survival Model for Predicting In-Hospital Mortality Based on 545,388 Isolated Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients from the TQIP Database. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 13 (9). [BibTeX]
- Zebley, J. A. , Wanersdorfer, K. , Chang, P. , Schwartz, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Mohseni, S. , Sarani, B. & et al. (2023). Early Tracheostomy in Older Trauma Patient Is Associated With Comparable Outcomes to Younger Cohort. Journal of Surgical Research, 290, 178-187. [BibTeX]
- Zwemer, C. , Kartiko, S. , Forssten, M. P. , Zebley, J. A. , Hughes, J. D. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Firearms-related injury and sex: a comparative National Trauma Database (NTDB) Study. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 8 (1). [BibTeX]
- Young, N. , Ahl Hulme, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Kaplan, L. J. , Walsh, T. N. , Cao, Y. , Mohseni, S. , Bass, G. A. & et al. (2023). Graded operative autonomy in emergency appendectomy mirrors case-complexity: surgical training insights from the SnapAppy prospective observational study. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49 (1), 33-44. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, S. P. , Ahl Hulme, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Ribeiro, M. A. F. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Predictors of outcomes in geriatric patients with moderate traumatic brain injury after ground level falls. Frontiers in Medicine, 10. [BibTeX]
- Zebley, J. A. , Estroff, J. M. , Forssten, M. P. , Bass, G. A. , Cao, Y. , Quintana, M. T. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Racial Disparities in Administration of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis After Severe Traumatic Injuries. The American surgeon, 89 (11), 4696-4706. [BibTeX]
- Zebley, J. A. , Estroff, J. M. , Forssten, M. P. , Leighton, N. , Bass, G. A. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Racial Disparity in Placement of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring: A TQIP Analysis. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 236 (1), 81-92. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Kaplan, L. J. , Tolonen, M. , Martinez-Casas, I. , Cao, Y. , Walsh, T. N. , Bass, G. A. , Mohseni, S. & et al. (2023). Surgical management of acute appendicitis during the European COVID-19 second wave: safe and effective. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49 (1), 57-67. [BibTeX]
- Bass, G. A. , Kaplan, L. J. , Forssten, M. P. , Walsh, T. N. , Cao, Y. , Mohseni, S. & ESTES SnapAppy Group, -. (2023). Techniques for mesoappendix transection and appendix resection: insights from the ESTES SnapAppy study. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49 (1), 17-32. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ioannidis, I. , Wretenberg, P. , Borg, T. , Cao, Y. , Ribeiro Jr, M. A. F. & Mohseni, S. (2023). The mortality burden of frailty in hip fracture patients: a nationwide retrospective study of cause-specific mortality. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49 (3), 1467-1475. [BibTeX]
- Bass, G. A. , Duffy, C. C. , Kaplan, L. J. , Sarani, B. , Martin, N. D. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Cao, Y. , Forssten, M. P. & et al. (2023). The revised cardiac risk index is associated with morbidity and mortality independent of injury severity in elderly patients with rib fractures. Injury, 54 (1), 56-62. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ioannidis, I. , Tennakoon, L. , Spain, D. A. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Validation of the orthopedic frailty score for measuring frailty in hip fracture patients: a cohort study based on the United States National inpatient sample. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49 (5), 2155-2163. [BibTeX]
- Ahl, R. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Borg, T. , Sjölin, G. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Wretenberg, P. & Mohseni, S. (2022). A nationwide observational cohort study of the relationship between beta-blockade and survival after hip fracture surgery. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (2), 743-751. [BibTeX]
- Bass, G. A. , Stephen, C. , Forssten, M. P. , Bailey, J. A. , Mohseni, S. , Cao, Y. , Chreiman, K. , Duffy, C. & et al. (2022). Admission Triage With Pain, Inspiratory Effort, Cough Score can Predict Critical Care Utilization and Length of Stay in Isolated Chest Wall Injury. Journal of Surgical Research, 277, 310-318. [BibTeX]
- Quintana, M. T. , Zebley, J. A. , Vincent, A. , Chang, P. , Estroff, J. , Sarani, B. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. & et al. (2022). Cresting Mortality: Defining a Plateau in Ongoing Massive Transfusion. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 93 (1), 43-51. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Ioannidis, I. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Bass, G. A. , Borg, T. , Cao, Y. & Mohseni, S. (2022). Dementia is a surrogate for frailty in hip fracture mortality prediction. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (5), 4157-4167. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Trivedi, D. J. , Ekestubbe, L. , Borg, T. , Bass, G. A. , Mohammad Ismail, A. & Mohseni, S. (2022). Developing and validating a scoring system for measuring frailty in patients with hip fracture: a novel model for predicting short-term postoperative mortality. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 7 (1). [BibTeX]
- Mohammad Ismail, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Bass, G. A. , Trivedi, D. J. , Ekestubbe, L. , Ioannidis, I. , Duffy, C. C. , Peden, C. J. & et al. (2022). Mode of anesthesia is not associated with outcomes following emergency hip fracture surgery: a population-level cohort study. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 7 (1). [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Bass, G. A. , Scheufler, K. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Cao, Y. , Martin, N. D. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2022). Mortality risk stratification in isolated severe traumatic brain injury using the revised cardiac risk index. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (6), 4481-4488. [BibTeX]
- Ekestubbe, L. , Bass, G. A. , Forssten, M. P. , Sjölin, G. , Cao, Y. , Matthiessen, P. , Ahl, R. & Mohseni, S. (2022). Pharmacological differences between beta-blockers and postoperative mortality following colon cancer surgery. Scientific Reports, 12 (1). [BibTeX]
- Pourlotfi, A. , Ahl Hulme, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Sjölin, G. , Bass, G. A. , Cao, Y. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. (2022). Statin therapy and its association with long-term survival after colon cancer surgery. Surgery, 171 (4), 890-896. [BibTeX]
- Ioannidis, I. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Ahl, R. , Cao, Y. , Borg, T. & Mohseni, S. (2022). Surgical management of displaced femoral neck fractures in patients with dementia: a comparison in mortality between hemiarthroplasty and pins/screws. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (2), 1151-1158. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Sjölin, G. , Ahl, R. , Wretenberg, P. , Borg, T. & Mohseni, S. (2022). The association between the Revised Cardiac Risk Index and short-term mortality after hip fracture surgery. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (3), 1885-1892. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Borg, T. , Cao, Y. , Wretenberg, P. , Bass, G. A. & Mohseni, S. (2022). The consequences of out-of-hours hip fracture surgery: insights from a retrospective nationwide study. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (2), 709-719. [BibTeX]
- Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ahl, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Wretenberg, P. , Borg, T. & Mohseni, S. (2022). The interaction between pre-admission β-blocker therapy, the Revised Cardiac Risk Index, and mortality in geriatric hip fracture patients. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 92 (1), 49-56. [BibTeX]
- Ioannidis, I. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Ahl, R. , Cao, Y. , Borg, T. & Mohseni, S. (2022). The mortality burden in patients with hip fractures and dementia. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (4), 2919-2952. [BibTeX]
- Trivedi, D. J. , Bass, G. A. , Forssten, M. P. , Scheufler, K. , Olivecrona, M. , Cao, Y. , Ahl Hulme, R. & Mohseni, S. (2022). The significance of direct transportation to a trauma center on survival for severe traumatic brain injury. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (4), 2803-2811. [BibTeX]
- Ioannidis, I. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Bass, G. A. , Borg, T. & Mohseni, S. (2022). β-Adrenergic blockade in patients with dementia and hip fracture is associated with decreased postoperative mortality. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48 (2), 1463-1469. [BibTeX]
- Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ahl, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Cao, Y. , Wretenberg, P. , Borg, T. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Beta-Blocker Therapy Is Associated With Increased 1-Year Survival After Hip Fracture Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 133 (5), 1225-1234. [BibTeX]
- Bass, G. A. , Forssten, M. P. , Pourlotfi, A. , Ahl, R. , Cao, Y. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Cardiac risk stratification in emergency resection for colonic tumours. BJS Open, 5 (4). [BibTeX]
- Lillo-Felipe, M. , Ahl Hulme, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Bass, G. A. , Cao, Y. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Center-Level Procedure Volume Does Not Predict Failure-to-Rescue After Severe Complications of Oncologic Colon and Rectal Surgery. World Journal of Surgery, 45 (12), 3695-3706. [BibTeX]
- Falk, W. , Gupta, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Bass, G. A. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Epidural analgesia and mortality after colorectal cancer surgery: A retrospective cohort study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 66. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Borg, T. , Ahl, R. , Wretenberg, P. , Cao, Y. , Peden, C. J. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Postoperative mortality in hip fracture patients stratified by the Revised Cardiac Risk Index: a Swedish nationwide retrospective cohort study. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 6 (1). [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Bass, G. A. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Mohseni, S. & Cao, Y. (2021). Predicting 1-Year Mortality after Hip Fracture Surgery: An Evaluation of Multiple Machine Learning Approaches. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11 (8). [BibTeX]
- Cao, Y. , Forssten, M. P. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Borg, T. , Ioannidis, I. , Montgomery, S. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Predictive Values of Preoperative Characteristics for 30-Day Mortality in Traumatic Hip Fracture Patients. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11 (5). [BibTeX]
- Pourlotfi, A. , Ahl, R. , Sjölin, G. , Forssten, M. P. , Bass, G. A. , Cao, Y. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Statin Therapy and Postoperative Short-Term Mortality after Rectal Cancer Surgery. Colorectal Disease, 23 (4), 875-881. [BibTeX]
- Pourlotfi, A. , Bass, G. A. , Ahl Hulme, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Sjölin, G. , Cao, Y. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Statin Use and Long-Term Mortality after Rectal Cancer Surgery. Cancers, 13 (17). [BibTeX]
- Ahl, R. , Forssten, M. P. , Pourlotfi, A. , Cao, Y. , Bass, G. A. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. (2021). The Association Between Revised Cardiac Risk Index and Postoperative Mortality Following Elective Colon Cancer Surgery: A Retrospective Nationwide Cohort Study. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery, 111 (1). [BibTeX]
- Reda, S. , Ahl, R. , Szabo, E. , Stenberg, E. , Forssten, M. P. , Sjölin, G. , Cao, Y. & Mohseni, S. (2020). Pre-operative beta-blocker therapy does not affect short-term mortality after esophageal resection for cancer. BMC Surgery, 20 (1). [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Thelin, E. P. , Nelson, D. W. & Bellander, B. (2019). The Role of Glycerol-Containing Drugs in Cerebral Microdialysis: A Retrospective Study on the Effects of Intravenously Administered Glycerol. Neurocritical Care, 30 (3), 590-600. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Mohseni, S. , Bass, G. A. , Forssten, M. P. , Martinez Casas, I. , Martin, M. , Davis, K. A. , Haut, E. R. , Sugrue, M. & et al. (2022). Common bile duct stones management: A network meta-analysis. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 93 (5), E155-E165. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Forssten, M. P. , Sarani, B. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ioannidis, I. , Cao, Y. , Hildebrand, F. , Ribeiro, M. A. J. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Adverse Outcomes after Pelvic Fracture in Geriatric Patients: The Critical Role of Frailty. In: Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Paper presented at Owen H Wangensteen Scientific Forum, Clinical Congress, Boston, USA, October 22-25, 2023. (pp. S557-S557). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. [BibTeX]
- Forssten, M. P. , Sarani, B. , Mohammad Ismail, A. , Ioannidis, I. , Cao, Y. , Hildebrand, F. , Ribeiro, M. A. J. & Mohseni, S. (2023). Adverse Outcomes after Pelvic Fracture in Geriatric Patients: The Critical Role of Frailty. In: Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Paper presented at 9th Annual Sessions of the American-College-of-Surgeons (ACS), Boston, MA, USA, October 22-25, 2023. (pp. S557-S557). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. [BibTeX]
- Zebley, J. A. , Estroff, J. M. , Forssten, M. P. , Bass, G. A. , Sarani, B. & Mohseni, S. (2022). Racial Disparities in the Placement of Intracranial Monitoring: A TQIP Analysis. In: Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Paper presented at The American College of Surgeons 2022 Annual Clinical Congress, San Diego, CA, USA, October 16-20, 2022. (pp. S96-S96). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Bass, G. A. , Forssten, M. P. , Ryan, E. , Biloslavo, A. , Tolonen, M. , Ahl, R. , Kurihara, H. , Pourlotfi, A. & et al. (2022). Techniques for Mesoappendix Transection and Appendix Resection When Performing Acute Appendectomy: Insights from the SnapAppy Group Audit. In: Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Paper presented at The American College of Surgeons 2022 Annual Clinical Congress, San Diego, CA, USA, October 16-20, 2022. (pp. S24-S24). Elsevier. [BibTeX]