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Marie-louise Danielsson-Tham

Marie-louise Danielsson-Tham Position: - School/office: School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science

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Marie-louise Danielsson-Tham

About Marie-louise Danielsson-Tham

She was born in Mariestad. She began studying veterinary medicine at the Royal Veterinary College (KVH) in Stockholm and became a licensed veterinarian 1972. After various temporary position as a district veterinarian she began her food hygiene carriers at the Department of Food Hygiene, KVH.

She defended in 1977 her doctoral thesis entitled ‘‘Salmonella in sewage and sludge. Potential Health Hazards to Man and Animals’’. She became associate professor in Food Hygiene, especially Food Microbiology in 1978 and later the same year she was promoted to professor in Food Hygiene. Between 1983–2003, she was Head of the Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala. In the fall 2001 she became ‘‘Diplomate (de facto Specialist) of the European College of Veterinary Public Health’’ and in 2003 the first Swedish specialist in Food Hygiene.

MLDT has been featured as a guest teacher at School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science since its inception in 1990 which initially was a one-year post-secondary education and later expanded to what it is today. Since 2006, she was employed as a professor in Food Hygiene at Örebro University, School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science in Grythyttan.

MLDT has virtually her entire working life researched and taught about food safety and the importance of hygiene at all levels to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. The goal of her group's research is to reduce the number of food poisonings and develop knowledge how food-borne infections and intoxications may be prevented before they are given illness. A keyword for the research projects are tracing. This includes everything from what went wrong when a particular food caused the illness, to from where the disease-causing bacterium entered. MLDT have been investigating some of the largest food poisoning outbreak in Sweden. Her publication list includes over 300 works in English or Swedish.

She has been supervisor for ten doctoral dissertations and assistant supervisor for two more. She has been principal opponent at five doctoral disputations and she has been part of the examination committee for several doctoral theses. She has been an expert at several academic appointments, both nationally and internationally. She has also been part of the assessment teams for research applications of SJFR and Formas. She is a referee for journals such as Foodborne Pathogens and Diseases, Epidemiology and Infection and Swedish Veterinary Journal.

MLDT is a member of many scientific societies, including the The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA), Academy of Meal Science, Lilla Sällskapet.

She has participated in numerous radio and television programs. She has been one of two presenters in the series ‘‘How clean is your house?’’ on TV4 in Sweden and ‘‘Cleaning Master’’ (SVT 1). She has also participated in the ‘‘Kitchen’’ TV4, ‘‘Carl Jan Angels’’ in TV3 as well as consulted as an expert in numerous different programs on SVT 1, SVT 2 and TV4.

She has together with Professor Wilhelm Tham arranged about 80 national and international conferences, symposia and seminars, and served as scientific organizer at the International Symposium ‘‘Food Associated Pathogens’’ in 1996, Uppsala, the ‘‘Nordic PFGE meeting’’ in 2000, Uppsala, the ‘‘International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis’’ in 2004, Uppsala and in 2010 the ‘‘2nd Symposium on Food Associated Pathogens’’ in Grythyttan.

MLDT is recognized as a good teacher and has:

- By students at the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science in Grythyttan named this year's best teachers. The citation read: ‘‘This teacher has a charisma and passion for her subject. The person is a fresh breeze at the school and is always positive and happy. With her compassion and happy lectures everyone's life is gilded’’.

- By the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) she has received the ‘‘Award for exemplary efforts in research findings on the grounds that in a simple, caring and captivating way have informed diverse audiences on both funny and what is dangerous about our food’’.

- At the suggestion of the students at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences received the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Award for exemplary efforts in education and teaching at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

- Two graduating classes from veterinary schools appointed honorary member of the school year. Membership is given to the teachers throughout the study period (5.5 years) best met the students interests, knowledge acquisition and needs.

MLDT has been an inspector for Veterinary Association, Uppsala 1996-2005.

International collaborators

Professor Sophia Kathariou, North Carolina State University, USA

Todd Ward, United States Department of Agriculture

S.B. Barbuddhe, National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Raipur Chattisgarh, India

Augusto Valencia Ramirez, Médico Patologo Clinico, Lima, Peru

Richard V. Goering, School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Semir Loncarevic, Norwegian Veterinary Institute

National collaborators

Håkan Ringberg, Regional Centre for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Malmö

Öjar Melefors, Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC), Karolinska Institutet

Lena Sundqvist och Cecilia Jernberg, Public Health Agency of Sweden, Stockholm

Viveca Båverud, National Veterinary Institute

Ivar Vågsholm, Bacteriology and Food Safety, SLU

Susanne Thisted-Lambertz, National Food Administration


Articles in journals |  Articles, book reviews |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Books |  Chapters in books |  Collections (editor) |  Conference papers |  Conference proceedings (editor) |  Daily newspapers |  Doctoral theses, monographs |  Manuscripts |  Other |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, book reviews

Articles, reviews/surveys


Chapters in books

Collections (editor)

Conference papers

  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (2016). Is food hygiene a part of culinary arts and meal science?. In: Tobias Nygren, Agneta Yngve och Åsa Öström,  1st Granqvist Culinary Arts and Meal Science Symposium Programme and Abstracts. Paper presented at 1st Granqvist Culinary Arts and Meal Science Symposium, Grythyttan, 17-18 March, 2016. (pp. 28-28). Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
  • Lopez-Valladares, G. , Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (2016). Listeria monocytogenes: a threat to the health of restaurant guests. In: Tobias Nygren, Agneta Yngve och Åsa Öström,  1st Granqvist Culinary Arts and Meal Science Symposium Programme and Abstracts. Paper presented at 1st Granqvist Culinary Arts and Meal Science Symposium, Grythyttan, 18 March, 2016. (pp. 35-35). Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Lopez-Valladares, G. , Wennström, S. , Österlund, A. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2010). Appearance of two closely related variants of Listeria monocytogenes inblood from the same patient with invasive listeriosis. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louiuse Danielsson-Tham,  Second Sympsoium on Food Associated Pathogens. Paper presented at Second Sympsoium on Food Associated Pathogens. (pp. Abstr 29- Grythyttan: Restaurang- och hotellhögskolan – Grythytte Akademi. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2010). Listeria monoytogenes: a very food-borne bacterial species. In: Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham, Wilhelm Tham,  Second symposium on food associated pathogens. Paper presented at Second Symposium on Food Associated Pathogens, Grythyttan, Sweden, August 23-26, 2010. Grythyttan: Restaurang- och hotellhögskolan. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Lopez-Valladares, G. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2009). Humanisolat av Listeria monocytogenes under ett halvt sekel i Sverige. In: P. Jonsson, B. Larsson,  Veterinärkongressen 2009. Paper presented at Veterinärkongressen 2009. (pp. 91-92). [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (2008). Frisk mat blir sjuk mat. Paper presented at Veterinärkongressen, Uppsala 6-7 nov. 2008. Stockholm: Sveriges Veterinärförbund/Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sällskap. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (2007). Matförgiftningar orsakade av mjölk och mejeriprodukter. In:  Veterinärkongressen 2007. Paper presented at Veterinärkongressen 2007. (pp. 95-98). Stockholm: Sveriges Veterinärförbund/ Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sällskap. [BibTeX]
  • Olsen, B. , Helmersson, S. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2004). Characterization of Swedish food and human isolates of Listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2c. In: Danielsson-Tham M-L, Than W och Ericsson Henrik,  ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of ListeriosisUppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. Paper presented at ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. (pp. Abstract no. 157- Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygienew, faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (2004). Listeria – insigths and reflections. In: Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham, Wilhelm Tham och Henrik Ericsson,  ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of ListeriosisUppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. Paper presented at ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. (pp. Abstract Nr. 151- Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU. [BibTeX]
  • Ingermaa, F. , Parihar, V. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Båverud, V. , Helmersson, S. & Tham, W. (2004). Sheep, humans and listeriosis. In: Danielsson-Tham M-L, Than W och Ericsson Henrik,  ISOPOL XV. XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis. Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. Paper presented at ISOPOL XV. XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis. Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. (pp. Abstract no. 129- Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. [BibTeX]
  • Parihar, V. , ingermaa, F. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Båverud, V. , Helmersson, S. & Tham, W. (2004). Zoonotic aspects of Listeria monocytogenes. In: Danielsson-Tham M-L, Than W och Ericsson Henrik,  ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. Paper presented at ISOPOL XV – XV International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis Uppsala, Sweden, September 12–15, 2004. (pp. Abstract no. 128- Uppsala: [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (2002). Smått och gott om kräftor och kräftätande från livsmedelshygienisk synpunkt. Paper presented at Kräftans dag och Kräftfest, Måltidens Hus, Grythyttan, Sweden, August 8–9, 2002. (pp. 1-7). [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (2002). VPH-exempel från fältet: "Ärtsoppeutbrottet" i Tierp. Paper presented at Veterinärmötet 2002, Ultuna, Uppsala, Sweden, November 7-8, 2002. (pp. 89-90). Uppsala: [BibTeX]
  • Hökeberg, I. , Andersson, Y. , Arneborn, M. , Carrique-Mas, J. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Eriksson, E. , Hedin, G. , Leffler, M. & et al. (2001). Det första kända utbrottet av gastrointestinal listerios i Sverige. Epidemiologi och klinik. In: Svenska Läkaresällskapet,  Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma. 28–30 november 2001 Program och sammanfattningar. Paper presented at Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Älvsjö, 28–30 november, 2001. (pp. 209-210). Stockholm: Svenska Läkarsällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. , Andersson, Y. , Arneborn, M. , Carrique-Mas, J. , Eriksson, E. , Hedin, G. , Hökeberg, I. , Leffler, M. & et al. (2001). Det första kända utbrottet av gastrointestinal listerios i Sverige: Veterinary Public Health-aspekter och laboratorieanalyser. In:  Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma 28–30 november 2001 program och sammanfattningar. Paper presented at Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm, Sweden, November 28-30, 2001. (pp. 209-210). Stockholm: Svenska Läkaresällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Bannerman, E. , Bille, J. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Ericsson, H. , Helmersson, S. , Henriques, B. , Christina, J. & et al. (2000). Swedish human cases of Listeriosis, 1958–1999: Visulized by LEGO Bricks. In: Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham , Wilhelm Tham,  Nordic PFGE meeting January 27–28, 2000. Collection of abstracts. Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU, Uppsala. Paper presented at Nordic PFGE meeting January 27–28, 2000, Uppsala Sweden. (pp. 27-27). Uppsala: Dep of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1999). Förståelse av listerios med hjälp av molekylärbiologiska tekniker. Paper presented at Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg, Sweden, November 24–26, 1998. (pp. 252-252). Stockholm: Svenska Läkaresällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Loncarevic, S. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Gustavsson, O. , Hörnfeldt, K. & Johansson, G. (1998). An outbreak of listeriosis suspected to have been caused by chinese cabbage. In: ISOPOL,  XIII International Sympsoium on problems of Listeriosis – PROGRAM AND ABSTRACTS. Paper presented at XIII International Sympsoium on problems of Listeriosis. JUNE 28–JULY 2, 1998, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (pp. 21-21). Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: ISOPOL. [BibTeX]
  • Loncarevic, S. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1998). Changes in serogroup distribution  among Listeria monocytogenes human isolates in Sweden. In: ISOPOL,  XIII International Symposium on Problems of LIsteriosis PROGRAM AND ABSTRACTS. Paper presented at XIII International Symposium on Problems of LIsteriosis. June 28–July 2, 1998 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (pp. 20-20). Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: ISOPOL. [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1998). Detection and characterisation of Listeria monocytogenes isolates in a Swedish dairy plant. In: Nordic Veterinary Congress,  XVIII Nordic Veterinary Congress Helsinki, 4th – 7th Augsut 1998. PROCEEDINGS. Paper presented at XVIII Nordic Veterinary Congress, 4th-7th August 1998, Helsinki, Finland. Helsinki: [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1998). Detection and characteristion of Listeria monocytogenes in a Swedish dairy plant. In:  XIII International Symposium of Problems of Listeriosis June 28–July 2, 1998 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Paper presented at XIII International Symposium of Problems of Listeriosis. June 28–July 2, 1998 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (pp. 36-36). Nova Scotia: ISOPOL. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1998). Public health aspects on long storage of ready-to-eat food packaged under vacuum. In: G. Marengo, F. Pastoni,  Containment of food-transmitted riks presented by emerging pathogens proceedings of Sixth International Symposium Ispra(VA), 15 April 1997. Paper presented at Sixth International Symposium on Microbiology of Food and Cosmetics in Europe, Ispra, Italy, April 15, 1997. (pp. 224-227). Ispra (VA), Italy: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Environment Institute. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1997). Forskaren och journalisten: olika världar, olika budskap. In: Statens livsmedelsverk,  Mat & Media. Paper presented at Mat & Media. (pp. 1-3). Uppsala: [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Ericsson, H. , Loncarevic, S. & Unnerstad, H. (1997). Use of molecular techniques in the understanding of human listeriosis: Listeria monocytrogenes – a food-borne pathogen. In: A. Aspán; R.W.A.W. Mulder,  Pathogenic micro-organisms in poultry and eggs. 4. Development of monitoring procedures, rapid detection methods and techniques. Molecular Epidemiology of Campylobacter and Salmonela.. Paper presented at COST 97 Pathogenic micro-organisms in poultry and eggs, Uppsala, Sweden, April 23-26, 1997. (pp. 93-96). Uppsala: National Vetrerinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1997). Vadan och varthän med Listeria monocytogenes. In: Sveriges Veterinärförbund & Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sälllskap,  Veterinärmötet 1997. Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Veterinärmötet 1997. (pp. 112-115). [BibTeX]
  • Krovacek, K. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Aeromonas spp. in Swedish foods. In: Wilhelm Tham and Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 175b-175c). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Comparison of two methods for detection of Listeria monocytogenes in blue veined cheese. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6–8, 1996. (pp. 238-240). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Unnerstad, H. , Nilsson, I. , Ericsson, H. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Division of Listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2a strains into two groups by PCR and restraiction enzymne analysis. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 242-243). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Endringar i det mikrobiologiska økosystem: Betydning for næringsmiddelshygienen. Tilbake till hygienen? Hva bringer fremtiden av infeksjons-og resistensproblemer? Hvordan møter vi problemene? Hva kan internasjonale organer gjøre, hva gjør vi selv?. In:  Etterutdanning i veterinærmedisin. Paper presented at Etterutdanning i veterinærmedisin – Veterinære fagdager, Veterinærhygienisk Forening, March 25–27, 1996. (pp. 1-3). Veterinærhygienisk Forening. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Foodborne infections and intoxications: insights and reflections. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 28-33). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Kontroll av animaliska livsmedel: reflektioner över situationen i Sverige. Paper presented at Etterutdanning i veterinærmedisin – Veternære fagdager. (pp. 1-2). Trondheim: Veterinaærhygienisk Forening, Den norske Veterinærforening. [BibTeX]
  • Eklöw, A. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Ericsson, H. , Loncarevic, S. , Mentzing, L. , Persson, I. , Unnerstad, H. & Tham, W. (1996). Listeriosis in the province of Värmland: The first reported outbreak of food-borne listeriosis in Sweden. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6–8, 1996. (pp. 222-223). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1996). Ny teknologi och nya mattrender: hygieniska synpunkter. In:  Etterutdannning i veterinærmedisin. Paper presented at Etterutdanning i veterinærmedisin – Veterinære fagdager, Veterinærhygienisk Forening, March 25–27, 1996. Trondheim: Veterinærhygienisk Forening. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1996). Programme Opening Ceremony: Food Associated Pathogens. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Unnerstad, H. , Bannerman, E. , Bille, J. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Tham, W. & Waak, E. (1996). Prolonged contamination of a dairy with Listeria monocytogenes. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 240-241). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Loncarevic, S. , Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1996). Serovars and genomic characteristics of cheese isolates of Listeria monocytogenes. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 241-242). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. , Loncarevic, S. & Tham, W. (1996). Serovars and genomic characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from raw milk cheese. Paper presented at Symposium on Bacteriological Quality of Raw Milk, Wolfpassing, Austria, March 13-15, 1996. (pp. 15-15). [BibTeX]
  • Eklöw, A. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Bannerman, E. , Bille, J. , Ericsson, H. , Jacquet, C. , Loncarevic, S. , Rocourt, J. & et al. (1996). Three important clones of Listeria monocytogenes. In: Wilhelm Tham & Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham,  Proceedings of the symposium Food Associated Pathogens, May 6-8, 1996, Uppsala, Sweden. Paper presented at Food Associated Pathogens, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6-8, 1996. (pp. 221-222). Uppsala: SLU, Department of Food Hygiene. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1995). A case of food-borne listerios in Sweden and the significance of correct analyses of the food. In:  9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology abstracts of lectures and posters. Vol. II. Paper presented at 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Budapest, Hungary, July 30 – August 4, 1995. (pp. 159-159). Budapest, Hungary: The Hungarian Scientific Society for Food Industry. [BibTeX]
  • Waak, E. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1995). Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in blue veined cheese. In:  Poster-sammanfattningar – Livsmedel 95. Paper presented at Livsmedel 95 – Livsmedelsforskardagarna, Uppsala, Sweden, October 18-19, 1995. (pp. MM8-MM8). Uppsala: [BibTeX]
  • Loncarevic, S. , Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1995). How to reveal all Listeria monocytogenes clones in food samples?. In:  Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on problems of listeriosis. Paper presented at XII International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Perth, Australia, October 2–6, 1995. (pp. 277-277). Canning Bridge, W.A.: Promaco Conventions. [BibTeX]
  • Ericsson, H. , Danielsson-Tham, M. & Tham, W. (1995). Listeria monocytogenes serovar 4b strains divided into two groups using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction enzyme analysis (REA). In:  Proceedings of the XII Interenational Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis. Paper presented at 12th International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Perth, Australia, October 2–6, 1995. (pp. 421-421). Canning Bridge: Promaco Conventions. [BibTeX]
  • Unnerstad, H. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Waak, E. & Tham, W. (1995). Prolonged contamination of a dairy with Listeria monocytogenes: Molecular typing  of strains. In:  Proceedings of the XII international symposium on problems of listeriosis. Paper presented at 12th International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Perth, Australia, October 2–6, 1995. (pp. 449-449). Canning Bridge: Promaco Conventions. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. , Bannerman, E. , Bille, J. , Ericsson, H. , Jacquet, C. , Loncarevic, S. , Rocourt, J. , Tham, W. & et al. (1995). The characterization of Swedish human Listeria monocygtogenes strains isolated 1958–1994. In:  Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis. Paper presented at 12th International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis, Perth, Australia, October 2–6, 1995. (pp. 469-469). Canning Bridge: Promaco Conventions. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Neaves, P. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (1995). The search for Listeria monocytogenes. In: G.J. Arnold, P.S. Suthereland and E.A. Szabo,  Listeria methods workshop manual detection, identification and typing of Listeria monocytogenes in foods. Paper presented at XII International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XII), Perth, Australia, October 1-2, 1995. (pp. 21-24). [BibTeX]
  • Eklöw, A. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Tham, W. , Ericsson, H. , Loncarevic, S. & Unnerstad, H. (1995). Värmlandsutbrottet – det första listeriosutbrottet i Sverige där smittkällan identifierats. In:  Poster-sammanfattningar – Livsmedel 95, Uppsala. Paper presented at Livsmedel 95 – Livsmedelsforskardagarna, Uppsala, Sweden, October 18-19, 1995. (pp. MM13-MM13). Uppsala: [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Mårtensson, L. , Ringnér, Å. & Runehagen, A. (1994). A case of food-borne listeriosis in Sweden, 1993. In:  Proceedings and abstracts volume 1. Paper presented at XVII Nordic Veterinary Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 26–29, 1994. (pp. 82-82). Reykjavík: Icelandic Veterinary Association. [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Danielsson-Tham, M. , Mårtensson, L. , Ringnér, Å. & Runehagen, A. (1994). A case of food-brone listeriosis in Sweden, 1993. In:  XVII. Nordic Veterinary Congress Proceedings and abstracts – volume 1. Paper presented at XVII. Nordic Veterinary Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 26-29, 1994. (pp. 82-82). Reykjavik, Iceland: Icelandic Veterinary Association. [BibTeX]
  • Norling, B. , Norberg, P. , Pudas, I. , Thisted-Lambertz, S. , Stålhandske, P. , Danielsson Tham, M. & Nilsson, A. (1994). A new method for the detection of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica in food. In: Giampietro Ravagnan & Claudio Chiesa,  6th International Symposium on Yersinia Program and Abstracts. Paper presented at 6th International Symposium on Yersinia, Rome, Italy, September 26–28, 1994. [BibTeX]
  • Norling, B. , Norberg, P. , Pudas, I. , Thisted-Lambertz, S. , Stålhandske, P. , Danielsson Tham, M. & Nilsson, A. (1994). Ny metodik för påvisning av Yersinia enterocolitica i livsmedel. In:  Livsmedel 94 forskardag & konferens, Göteborg den 26-27 oktober 1994 : program, abstracts. Paper presented at Livsmedel 94, Göteborg, Sweden, October 26-27, 1994. (pp. B3-B3). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. Avdelningen för klinisk näringslära. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1993). För och emot kvalitetssäkring. In:  Livsmedel – Analystjänstköpare Konferens LSA 3, Hur köper vi våra laboratorietjänster inom livsmedelssektorn?. Paper presented at LAB 93 Kvalitetssäkring på laboratorier, 23–25 Mars 1993. Jönköping: Elmia Lab. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1993). Listerios-utbrott i Trøndelag. In: Johan Beck-friis,  Allmänt veterinärmöte 1993, Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Allmänt veterinärmöte 1993. (pp. 184-184). Stockholm: [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1993). Massmedia och politiker – en fara för folkhälsan?. Paper presented at Allmänt veterinärmöte 1993. (pp. 100-104). [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1993). Matförgiftningsutbrott orsakat av Escherichia coli O157:H7. In: Johan Beck-friis,  Allmänt veterinärmöte 1993, Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Allmänt veterinärmöte 1993. (pp. 189-191). Sveriges Veterinärförbund. [BibTeX]
  • Englund, L. , Bille, J. , Danielsson Tham, M. , Eld, K. , Gavier-Widén, D. , Rocourt, J. & Tham, W. (1992). A possible outbreak of listeriosis in a farmed herd of fallow deer (Dama dama). In: Peter Gerner-Smidt, ISOPOL,  Listeria 1992 The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XI). Paper presented at Listeria 1992, The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XI), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 11–14, 1992. (pp. 43-44). Copenhagen, Denmark: SSI. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. , Bille, J. , Brosch, R. , Buchrieser, C. , Persson, K. , Rocourt, J. , Schwarzkopf, A. , Tham, W. & et al. (1992). Characterization of Listeria strains isoplated from soft cheese. In: Peter Gerner-Smidt, ISOPOL,  Listeria 1992The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of ListeriosisISOPOL XIEigtved’s Pakhus – Copenhagen11–14 May 1992. Paper presented at The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis ISOPOL XI , Eigtved's Pakhus-Copenhagen, 11-14 May, 1992. (pp. 121-122). [BibTeX]
  • Eld, K. , Danielsson Tham, M. , Gunnarsson, A. & Tham, W. (1992). Comparison of a cold enrichment method and the IDF method for isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from animal autopsy material. In:  Listeria 1992 The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis: book of abstracts. Paper presented at The Eleventh International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL VI), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 11–14, 1992. (pp. 158-159). København: Statens Seruminstitut. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1992). Livsmedelsburna viroser. In: Sveriges veterinärförbund, Sveriges Veterinämedicinska Sällskap,  Allmänt Veterinärmöte 1992. Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Allmänt Veterinärmöte 1992. (pp. 63-67). [BibTeX]
  • Ericsson, H. , Danielsson Tham, M. , Stålhandske, P. & Tham, W. (1992). Subtypning av en i Sverige vanlig fagovar av Listeria monocytogenes. In: Lars Åke Pellborn,  Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma 25–27 november 1992 Program & sammanfattningar. Paper presented at Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Älvsjö, Sweden, November 25-27, 1992. (pp. 250-250). Stockholm: Svenska läkaresällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Berndtson, E. , Danielsson Tham, M. & Engvall, A. (1991). Colonization of mice and houseflies with Campylobacter jejuni. In: Ruiz-Palacios, G. M., Calva, E., Ruiz-Palacios, B. R.,  Campylobacter  V proceedings of the fifth International Workshop on Campylobacter Infections, Puerta Vallarta, Mexico, 25 February - 1 March, 1989. Paper presented at 5th International Workshop on Campylobacter Infections, Puerto Vallerta, Mexico, February 25 - March 1, 1989. (pp. 58-60). Dept. of Infectious Diseases, Instituto Nacional de la Nutricion. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1991). Does the quality of drinking water affect the health of animals?. In:  Proceedings NJF-seminarium 192 – Driksvatten till husdjur, Uppsala 6–7 mars 1991. Paper presented at NJF-seminarium 192 – Dricksvatten till husdjur, Uppsala 6–7 mars 1991. (pp. 77-78). [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. & Danielsson Tham, M. (1991). Epdemiology of listeriosis in Sweden. In: Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology/International Union of Food Science and Technology,  8th World Congress of Food Science and Technology,Program and AbstractsToronto, Canada, September 29–October 4, 1991. Paper presented at 8th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Toronto, Canada, September 29–October 4, 1991. (pp. 226-226). [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Danielsson Tham, M. , Persson, K. & Ursing, J. (1991). Epidemiology of listeriosis in Sweden. In: ASEPT (Association sur l’Asepsie de Production), Editeur, Rue des Docteurs Calmette et Guérin, LAVAL CEDEX, FRANCE,  Compte-rendus de la Conference Internationale,Proceedings of the International Conference,Listeria et Sécurité AlimentaireListeria and Food Safety13–14 Juin/June 1991 – LAVAL – France. Paper presented at Listeria et Sécurité Alimentaire Listeria and Food Safety 13–14 Juin/June 1991 – LAVAL – France. (pp. 188-188). LAVAL CEDEX, FRANCE: [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1991). Guppearbeider ’’Hvor bør ressursene settes inn ved bekjempelse av de bakterielle zoonosene: Salmonellose, Campylobakteriose, Yersiniose, Listeriose’’. In: Nordisk komité for veternærvitenskapelig samarbeid,,  Kjöttkontroll, tillpasset dagens sykdomspanoramaNordisk komité for veternærvitenskapelig samarbeid,6. symposium, Lysebu, Oslo, 15–16 april 1991. Paper presented at Kjöttkontroll, tillpasset dagens sykdomspanorama Nordisk komité for veternærvitenskapelig samarbeid, 6. symposium, Lysebu, Oslo, 15–16 april 1991. (pp. 109-112). Oslo: NK Vet. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1990). Har pastöriseringen av mjölk överlevt sig själv?. In:  Allmänt Veterinärmöte 1990,Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Allmänt Veterinärmöte 1990. (pp. 145-150). [BibTeX]
  • Tham, W. , Sörqvist, S. & Danielsson Tham, M. (1990). Myter och nyheter om listerios. In: Johan Beck-Friis,  Allmänt Veterinärmöte 1990 Sammanställning av föredrag. Paper presented at Allmänt Veterinärmöte 1990. (pp. 125-130). Stockholm: Sveriges veterinärförbund. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1990). Tute hoc intristi, tibi omne est exedendum – Som man lagar får man äta: Næringsmiddelproduksjon i relasjon til kvalitet/etikk. In:  Proceedings fra XVI. Nordiske Veterinærkongress,DYREHOLD I DET MODERNE SAMFUNN,Etiske, dyrevernmessige, bioteknologiske, sosiale/psykososiale og næringsmiddel-/miljøhygieniske aspekter, Oslo 31.7.–3.8 1990. Paper presented at XVI. Nordiske Veterinærkongress, Oslo 31.7.–3.8 1990. (pp. 113-115). [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. , Jutell, I. & Tham, W. (1989). Why is listeriosis increasing among humans?. In: Länstyrelsen i Stockholms län,  Healthy Animals, Safe Foods, Healthy Man, World association of Veterinary Food Hygienists Xth (Jubilee) International Symposium in Stockholm 2-7 July 1989. Paper presented at World association of Veterinary Food Hygienists Xth (Jubilee) International Symposium in Stockholm 2-7 July 1989. (pp. 316-319). Stockholm: Länstyrelsen i Stockholms län. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1988). Matförgiftningsrisker i mass-catering. In: The Association of the Finnish Veterinary Food Hygienists,  Elintarvikehygienian päivät, The Association of the Finnish Veterinary Food Hygienists, Annual Meeting 17–19 of March, 1988, Laivaristeily, Helsinki, Tokholma, Helsinki. Paper presented at The Association of the Finnish Veterinary Food Hygienists, Annual Meeting 17–19 of March, 1988. (pp. 45-49). Helsinki: The Association of the Finnish Veterinary Food Hygienists. [BibTeX]
  • Berndtson, E. , Blomgren, G. & Danielsson Tham, M. (1987). Incidence of campylobacter on a broiler farm. In:  The IVth International Workshop on Campylobacter Infections, Department of Clinical Bacteriology, University Göteborg, June 16–18, 1987, Göteborg, Sweden Programme and Abstracts. Paper presented at The IVth International Workshop on Campylobacter Infections, Department of Clinical Bacteriology, University Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden, June 16–18, 1987. (pp. Abstract no. 17- [BibTeX]
  • Bergqvist, Å. & Danielsson Tham, M. (1986). Smittspridning av campylobacter inom fjäderfäslakteri. In: Hans Kindahl, Ingemar Jämte,  XV Nordiska veterinärkongressen – 15th Nordic Veterinary Congress, Stockholm 28/7–1/8 1986 Proceedings. Paper presented at XV Nordiska veterinärkongressen – 15th Nordic Veterinary Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, July 28 - August 1, 1986. (pp. 355-358). Stockholm: Sveriges Veterinärförbund. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. , Hammarberg, K. & Wittander, G. (1982). On the bacteriology of goat milk and cheese. In:  Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Goat Production and Disease, January 10 to 15, 1982, Tucson, Arizona, USA, Hosted by the College of Agriculture, The University of Arizona. Paper presented at Third International Conference on Goat Production and Disease, January 10 to 15, 1982, Tucson, Arizona, USA. (pp. 358-358). Tucson, Arizona, USA: College of Agriculture, The University of Arizona. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. & Wadström, T. (1980). Gram-negative, enterotoxigenic bacteria in foods associated with outbreaks of food poisoning. In: Institute of Veterinary Medicine – Robert von Ostertag-Institute,  Congres Mondial, Infections et Intoxications d’Origine Alimentaire, Berlin (Ouest), 29.6–3.7. 1980, Abstracts Institute of Veterinary Medicine – Robert von Ostertag-Institute. Paper presented at Congres Mondial, Infections et Intoxications d’Origine Alimentaire, Berlin (Ouest), 29.6–3.7. 1980. (pp. 41-41). Berlin: Institute of Veterinary Medicine – Robert von Ostertag-Institute. [BibTeX]
  • Hurvell, B. & Danielsson Tham, M. (1980). Zoonotic aspects of Yersinia enterocolitica with special reference to its ability to grow at low tempearture. Paper presented at XIth International Symposium on Food Microbiology organized by the Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene of the International Union of Microbiological Societies, Aalborg, Denmark, July 6-11, 1980. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1979). Användandet av serologiska metoder vid diagnostik av matförgiftningar. In: Sveriges Veterinärföbund,  Allmänt veterinärmöte, november 1979 KOMPENDIUM, Sveriges Veterinärförbund, Stockholm 1979. Paper presented at Allmänt veterinärmöte, november 1979. (pp. 197-202). Stockholm: Sveriges Veterinärförbund. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1979). Patogener i slam. In: Svenska vatten-och avloppsverksföreningen,  Arbetsmiljöfrågor inom kommunal VA-teknik – föredrag och diskussioner vid konferens 29–30 maj 1979. Paper presented at Arbetsmiljöfrågor inom kommunal VA-teknik – föredrag och diskussioner vid konferens 29–30 maj 1979. (pp. 21-24). [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. & Wadström, T. (1978). Enterotoxinbildande Gram-negativa bakteier. In: BENGT WESTERLING TAIMO.,  XIII Nordiska Veterinärkongressen, 13th Nordic Veterinary Congress, Turko – Åbo, 19–22 July, 1978, FÖREDRAG OCH RAPPORTER, Esitelemät ja raportit, Prodeedings, Föredrag och rapporter, Proceedings. Paper presented at 13th Nordic Veterinary Congress. (pp. 70-73). Turku – Åbo: Nordiska Veterinärkongressen. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. (1978). Salmonella i avloppsvatten och slam. In: Bengt Westerling Toim.,  XIII Nordiska Veterinärkongressen, Pohjoismainen Eläninlääkärrikongressi Turko – Åbo, 19–22 July, 1978, FÖREDRAG OCH RAPPORTER, Esitelemät ja raportit, Prodeedings,. Paper presented at 13th Nordic Veterinary Congress, Turko – Åbo, 19–22 July, 1978. (pp. 102-103). Helsinki: Nordiska Veterinärkongressen. [BibTeX]
  • Wadström, T. , Möllby, R. & Danielsson Tham, M. (1978). Tre livsmedelsburna utbrott av enterotoxinbildande Escherichia coli och Klebsiella pneumonia. In:  XXXV Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma anordnad av Svenska Läkaresällskapet på Stockholmsmässan, Älvsjö, Stockholm, 29 november–2 december, 1978 sammanfattningar. Paper presented at XXXV Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma anordnad av Svenska Läkaresällskapet på Stockholmsmässan, Älvsjö, Stockholm, November 29 – December 2, 1978. (pp. 35-35). Stockholm: Svenska läkaresällskapet. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson-Tham, M. , Hansson (stadsveternär), N. , Brag, H. , Olsson, E. , Wadström, T. & Möllby, R. (1977). Incidence of enterotoxigenic and enteroinvasive E. coli in Swedish food. In: De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologi,  Ninth Meeting of the North European Microbiological Group, Amsterdam, August 9–11, 1977. Paper presented at Ninth Meeting of the North European Microbiological Group, Amsterdam, August 9–11, 1977. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. (1977). Livsmedelsarbetaren: den vanligaste smittokällan vid stafylokockmatförgiftning?. In: Sveriges Veterinärförbund, Stockholm,  Allmänt veterinärmöte, oktober 1977, KOMPENDIUM, Sveriges Veterinärförbund, Stockholm 1977. Paper presented at Allmänt veterinärmöte, 13–15 oktober 1977. (pp. 38-41). Stockholm: Sveriges Veterinärförbund. [BibTeX]
  • Danielsson Tham, M. & Hellberg, B. (1973). Demonstration by gel double diffusion technique on microslide of enterotoxin production by staphylococci isolated frpm meat factory workers. In: W.A.V.F.H.,  6th International Symposium of World Association of Veterinary Food-Hygienists, Elsinore, Denmark, 20th–24th August, 1973. Paper presented at 6th International Symposium of World Association of Veterinary Food-Hygienists, Elsinore, Denmark, 20th–24th August, 1973. (pp. 18-19). [BibTeX]

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