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Marie-louise Danielsson-Tham

Position: - School/office: School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science

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Marie-louise Danielsson-Tham

About Marie-louise Danielsson-Tham

She was born in Mariestad. She began studying veterinary medicine at the Royal Veterinary College (KVH) in Stockholm and became a licensed veterinarian 1972. After various temporary position as a district veterinarian she began her food hygiene carriers at the Department of Food Hygiene, KVH.

She defended in 1977 her doctoral thesis entitled ‘‘Salmonella in sewage and sludge. Potential Health Hazards to Man and Animals’’. She became associate professor in Food Hygiene, especially Food Microbiology in 1978 and later the same year she was promoted to professor in Food Hygiene. Between 1983–2003, she was Head of the Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala. In the fall 2001 she became ‘‘Diplomate (de facto Specialist) of the European College of Veterinary Public Health’’ and in 2003 the first Swedish specialist in Food Hygiene.

MLDT has been featured as a guest teacher at School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science since its inception in 1990 which initially was a one-year post-secondary education and later expanded to what it is today. Since 2006, she was employed as a professor in Food Hygiene at Örebro University, School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science in Grythyttan.

MLDT has virtually her entire working life researched and taught about food safety and the importance of hygiene at all levels to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. The goal of her group's research is to reduce the number of food poisonings and develop knowledge how food-borne infections and intoxications may be prevented before they are given illness. A keyword for the research projects are tracing. This includes everything from what went wrong when a particular food caused the illness, to from where the disease-causing bacterium entered. MLDT have been investigating some of the largest food poisoning outbreak in Sweden. Her publication list includes over 300 works in English or Swedish.

She has been supervisor for ten doctoral dissertations and assistant supervisor for two more. She has been principal opponent at five doctoral disputations and she has been part of the examination committee for several doctoral theses. She has been an expert at several academic appointments, both nationally and internationally. She has also been part of the assessment teams for research applications of SJFR and Formas. She is a referee for journals such as Foodborne Pathogens and Diseases, Epidemiology and Infection and Swedish Veterinary Journal.

MLDT is a member of many scientific societies, including the The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA), Academy of Meal Science, Lilla Sällskapet.

She has participated in numerous radio and television programs. She has been one of two presenters in the series ‘‘How clean is your house?’’ on TV4 in Sweden and ‘‘Cleaning Master’’ (SVT 1). She has also participated in the ‘‘Kitchen’’ TV4, ‘‘Carl Jan Angels’’ in TV3 as well as consulted as an expert in numerous different programs on SVT 1, SVT 2 and TV4.

She has together with Professor Wilhelm Tham arranged about 80 national and international conferences, symposia and seminars, and served as scientific organizer at the International Symposium ‘‘Food Associated Pathogens’’ in 1996, Uppsala, the ‘‘Nordic PFGE meeting’’ in 2000, Uppsala, the ‘‘International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis’’ in 2004, Uppsala and in 2010 the ‘‘2nd Symposium on Food Associated Pathogens’’ in Grythyttan.

MLDT is recognized as a good teacher and has:

- By students at the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science in Grythyttan named this year's best teachers. The citation read: ‘‘This teacher has a charisma and passion for her subject. The person is a fresh breeze at the school and is always positive and happy. With her compassion and happy lectures everyone's life is gilded’’.

- By the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) she has received the ‘‘Award for exemplary efforts in research findings on the grounds that in a simple, caring and captivating way have informed diverse audiences on both funny and what is dangerous about our food’’.

- At the suggestion of the students at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences received the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Award for exemplary efforts in education and teaching at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

- Two graduating classes from veterinary schools appointed honorary member of the school year. Membership is given to the teachers throughout the study period (5.5 years) best met the students interests, knowledge acquisition and needs.

MLDT has been an inspector for Veterinary Association, Uppsala 1996-2005.

International collaborators

Professor Sophia Kathariou, North Carolina State University, USA

Todd Ward, United States Department of Agriculture

S.B. Barbuddhe, National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Raipur Chattisgarh, India

Augusto Valencia Ramirez, Médico Patologo Clinico, Lima, Peru

Richard V. Goering, School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Semir Loncarevic, Norwegian Veterinary Institute

National collaborators

Håkan Ringberg, Regional Centre for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Malmö

Öjar Melefors, Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC), Karolinska Institutet

Lena Sundqvist och Cecilia Jernberg, Public Health Agency of Sweden, Stockholm

Viveca Båverud, National Veterinary Institute

Ivar Vågsholm, Bacteriology and Food Safety, SLU

Susanne Thisted-Lambertz, National Food Administration


Articles in journals |  Articles, book reviews |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Books |  Chapters in books |  Collections (editor) |  Conference papers |  Conference proceedings (editor) |  Daily newspapers |  Doctoral theses, monographs |  Manuscripts |  Other |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, book reviews

Articles, reviews/surveys


  • Tham, W. & Danielsson-Tham, M. (2014). Food Associated Pathogens. Boca Raton London New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Danielsson Tham, M. , Hoel, C. & Lindell, B. (1983). Bestrålning av livsmedel?. Stockholm: Jordbruksdepartementet (Statens offentliga utredningar 1983:26).

Chapters in books

Collections (editor)

Conference papers

Conference proceedings (editor)

Daily newspapers

Doctoral theses, monographs


