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Maria Elisson

Position: Research Communicator School/office: Communication and Collaboration

Email: bWFyaWEuZWxpc3NvbjtvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303524, +46 701 890953

Room: E2281

Maria Elisson

About Maria Elisson

Maria Elisson is a research communicator and press officer.

In her role as research communicator, her responsibilities include writing news stories and press releases about the university’s research in a popular science form. She writes articles for the university’s web site, combining text, photo and film.

She provides researchers with advice and writing support regarding the popular science portion of research applications.

In her role as a press officer, she responds to enquiries and refers press to relevant contacts within the university’s organisation and provides advice and support to members of staff in various media contexts.

Maria Elisson has 30 years of experience in journalism, working as a reporter and editor.


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