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Maria Darwish

Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

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Maria Darwish
Research subject Research environments

About Maria Darwish

Maria Darwish is a PhD Candidate in Gender Studies at Örebro University. In her PhD thesis, she investigates the relationship between ecofascism, gender, affect and nature.


She holds a master's degree in Gender Studies from the University of Oslo, and her MA thesis dealt with the intersection of far right extremism, environmentalism and masculinity.  Her research interests include (neo-)Nazism, fascism, ideology, racism, cuteness studies, propaganda, human ecology and human-nature issues such as veganism and climate change. 

She is also a peer reviewer for the journals Men and Masculinities and Politics, Religions & Ideology



Darwish, M. (2021). Nature, Masculinities, Care and the Far-Right. In M. Hultman & P. Pulé (Eds.), Men, Masculinities, and Earth Contending with the (m)Anthropocene. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Darwish, M. (2021). Moomin memes and cuteness in ecofascist propaganda. In I. Galleymore, C. Harris & A. Papachristodoulou (Eds.), AWW-STRUCK. London: Poem Atlas.

Darwish, M. (2018). Green neo-Nazism: Examining the intersection of masculinity, far-right extremism and environmentalism in the Nordic Resistance Movement (Master’s thesis). University of Oslo: Norway.