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Malin Härström

Malin Härström Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: Örebro University School of Business

Email: bWFsaW4uaGFyc3Ryb207b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 302478

Room: N3049

Malin Härström

About Malin Härström

My dissertation work consists of a literature review of institutional literature within management accounting research with the aim of discovering and mapping interesting contributions and limitations with current ways of reasoning.

I am also involved in the management accounting education at the Örebro University Business School.


Articles in journals |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Licentiate theses, monographs |  Manuscripts | 

Articles in journals

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries

Licentiate theses, monographs
